Wednesday 29 September 2010

Tuning into Love - 009 'The Love of a Good Book'

I had to go through my storage boxes recently, did a clean out, clean up, sorted, itemised, categorised and know what I mean...a 'de-cluttering'. Very cathartic as usual, but what was so great was that I looked through my 'book box' and came across a few things I was so pleased I'd kept 'for later'. Like finding jewels on a beach...


One of them was 'an indigo Celebration - More Messages Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children' by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. I received this book as a gift from one of my sisters when my first daughter was just 5 years old and my son just turned 2. We'd already noticed that they had wisdom and that 'knowing' quality beyond their years, and this book was wonderful to read with many 'ah hah' moments, and the usual "oh wow, my children do that kind of thing too!" realisations.

Reading it again is tuning me back into those feelings of unconditional LOVE for my children when I was first noticing that they were so enraptured with everything, and so willing to share their knowledge. It began a roller coaster ride of learning and growing for me, and I'll never be able to express how grateful I am to them for being so patient with me, when at times I look back on my behaviour with slight and extreme embarrassment...but its nice to know that most parents go through this,...and its great to acknowledge the progress I've achieved...that's gotta be a good thing :)

"I tune into Love through acknowledging my achievements"

It's all too easy to be hard on yourself for perceived grievances, personal 'shortcomings' and unintended view your past 'in widescreen', and give yourself the opportunity to learn from what's happened. Be happy that you're aware enough to acknowledge the lesson, some of us are yet to tune into that particularly important part of 'being here now'.

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