Tuesday 26 May 2009

Flying Stars Forecast for June

Looking back over the Annual Influences Guide 2009, I glanced at this month’s short forecast ...
“Balanced combinations lead to balanced energy. Fire and Water meet in the Centre. Argument potential in Creativity sector and serious conflict energy in Relationships. 6,7 represent Metal upon Metal. (swords clashing)
Young and Romantic liaisons are beautiful for the East. Happy Events are in the Growth SE, giving a ripe time to have clients and business contacts over for dinner or lunch. And with the Wealth Star 8 visiting the East Family and Health as well, it may be that wealth opportunities come via one of these two connections. NE sees partnership or competition, its up to you. Dominating female energy in the NW means that your alpha female will be on a mission. There is a fair bit of argumentative energy via the SW, West, NW, North and NE, so if your offices are here you will have a month where your patience and diplomacy will be tested.”
The A I G is now half price seeing as we are nearing the halfway point of the year, so grab a bargain and find out a little more about the energy layers around you :)

So how has 2009 been treating you so far? Have you been experiencing the effects of that Star 5 in the Career and Life Purpose sector? Urging new possibilities, pushing for change, bringing up issues to take you out of your comfort zone perhaps? I know I have! And then there has been the passionate Star 4 driving my romantic and academic perceptions, as it has been firmly placed in the Reputation South sector for this year. Reputation and Fame sector is all about our perceptions...how we perceive ourselves, our ‘self significance’ and how we think others view this aspect of us too. From the start, I knew this year was going to take a fair bit of diplomacy and would lead to some kind of maturing for me because that Star 7 was in the Family and Health East sector. I interpreted this as meaning that the shallow level of my interactions with my ‘family’ (or those in my immediate social circle) would all have ‘hidden depths’. This is the ‘calling card’ of Star 7 energy. A Gossip Tree always has long roots. Star 7’s landscape association is ’marshland’, which is shallow water on deep mud. We don’t talk for the sake of flapping our lips, there is always a deeper reason for discussing anything or anyone, and I knew this year was going to bring insights into my own ways of communication to and about the people around me. But now, on to the monthly forecast!

The Centre sees a balanced Fire and Water combination. It is an excellent energy pairing to help us out of any perceived depression, as Star 1 helps us express ourselves, and Star 9 brings Beauty and Clarity to this. Use photographs and quotes, clippings and dreamboards to bring out this vibe in your Life this June :)

Great pairings in the East and SE with the Star 8 energy pervading its Happiness and quiet solidity into these areas. Use gorgeous gemstones in colours of plums, wines, grapes, and deepest, darkest berry. Garnet, Ruby, Amethyst etc. Pop them into some kind of sparkly dish and run your fingers through them often! Great way of attracting ‘wealth energy’ to yourself.
The same cannot be said for the South with the Star 5 pushing into the Reputation sector, fuzzing up all our perceptions. A great month to hold off on launching ‘the new you’. Keep on working, planning, sorting and learning.

Possibilities of real arguments and even violence in the SW and W. This can see contention in Relationships, so tread gently on ‘those issues’ that lead to tension, or avoid them altogether. Representations of Love, Peace and Compassion should be placed in the SW, as well as using heaps of Dark Blue and Black, and Wavy Shapes to distract this overt Metal energy of the Stars 6 & 7. In the West, the 2,3 can be alleviated by using Metal energy. Gold, Silver, White and round or globular shapes will help to subdue the ‘fighting bull Sha’ combination.

The NW has a 2,1 combination which can see women in positions of power sent into overdrive workwise. Keep an eye on your energy levels if this is you. Listen to that friend who offers to help you put the brake on, and take time out for yourself, and likewise, be a good friend when you see your alpha female buddy/boss unable stop from working herself ragged. That this is in the Travel and Helpful People sector indicates that it could be YOUR time to discover ‘delegation’. Use Metal to improve the energy of the Star 1 and subdue the Star 2.

Authority 6 visits Career, but not a good move to get to forthright about anything this year with that Star 5 in residence. Keep that Wealth Bringer Bowl outside and that metal wind chime UP.
Authority issues may also creep up on those with offices/front doors etc in the NE this month with the 4,3 combination. This CAN indicate great partnership energy if the ego’s can be nice and play with each other happily. If not, it can manifest petty behaviour the like of which you’ve not seen since playgroup… Use pale Fire colours and shapes to subdue. Yep, the cherry blossoms can definitely come out for this one.

The Dangers of Accumulated Consumption

Each day we use a various number of products on ourselves (our children and pets too), on our house and on our clothes, that we buy because we think they will make us smell nicer, be cleaner or look better. What is in those mainstream products though? Is it really safe if it is allowed for sale? Shockingly the majority answer is a resounding “NO”. For a long time I’ve been suspicious of ‘off the shelf’ products, pharmaceuticals, and other everyday chemicals. For a long time I’ve dealt with ill-health, problematic skin and chronic conditions that I felt alleviated with the cessation of using one kind of chemical/product or another.

Recently I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of ‘Chemical Free Kids’ by Dr Sarah Lantz, and have been reading through it, ‘consuming’ the information and finding immense validation for all the suspicions, study, investigation and cautions I have exhibited over the last decade or so of my own life. It’s an amazing read and a book I thoroughly recommend as a reference book for every home. What started this kind of investigation? What caused my step forward? Not surprisingly, it started with my first pregnancy.

When I had my first baby I used mainstream products on her, used disposable nappies, gave her formula milk as a ‘complimentary’ feed, as I had been directed to do by my peers and advisors. Within a few months my bubby had what was being described as colic, she developed severe skin rashes on her bottom and was generally unhappy, and of course so was I. An unhappy baby equals a case of VTM (Very Tired Mother). I started to look at what I was using on her, started to investigate the ingredients of these products and also started to investigate natural alternatives. My own issues with a skin irritation and other health problems prompted me to look into the kinds of products I was using daily as well. I had always been ‘interested in’ natural alternatives, but had not investigated why this interested me so much. With my own reactions to certain foods and products heightening, I chose to do something pro-active about de-toxifying my LIFE!

As I began my ‘step forward’, I got so desperate about undecipherable labels that I developed a ‘criteria’ for choosing any product for me or my baby. My criteria for picking a product was that it should have no more than 5 ingredients, and that I should be able to tell exactly what they were by reading the label. If I couldn’t then I wouldn’t buy it. Out went anything with the SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulphate) or anything similar, out went anything petroleum based, out went a lot of the additives and preservatives identified only with a number...this was my starting point. My very first step. Yep, a lot of the time I found that I couldn’t keep to my criteria with everything. As you can imagine, this became quite a chore, but I was not put off.(...I’d gone through the same thing years earlier when my husband had developed a cholesterol problem and we had to check all the labels on food for saturated fat content and cholesterol etc) In fact, the more I researched the more empowered I felt about my own health and my own ability to find what I needed. (and that was usually in my pantry, my fridge, or my garden)

As with most health issues relating to product usage, it is usually not just one product on its own that is ‘the problem’, but rather a combination, or a team of products forming a catalytic reaction,... and we’re the petrii dish! A childhood of antibiotic and analgesic treatment for minor ailments, and then chronic conditions, had left my immune system rocky and in desperate need of real nourishment. Yet, a lot of the energy of my body’s detoxing ability was being directed towards ridding myself of the ‘everyday’ toxins I was slathering onto my skin, or ingesting via food and drinks, not to mention the cleaning toxins on my clothes and in my house.

In the case of my own baby becoming a petrii dish for modern day products, well, I drew a very big black line right there!! During her infancy I went from using all the mainstream products to using alternative products as much as I could find. She got moisturised with a bit of apricot kernel oil after bath-time, and her bath became warm water with a few drops of Chamomile in Jojoba essential oil. We boosted her immune system via her food intake with garlic and fresh herbs grown in my garden from a very early age. Strangely though, it took more than a few years for me to realise that I needed to change a lot of my products too! I seemed to be in a dreamworld where my biology was somehow different to hers, and thinking that my body would be able to ‘stand’ the toxic intake. I was wrong of course. We all have our own ‘threshold’ for toxins, and I had been ignoring my body’s pleas for help for a long, long time.

I know that the changes I made since her birth, via the products I choose to use in the house, in our diets and in our healthcare, have all had the conglomerate effect of increasing our well-being, and providing my house with good quality Chi Flow in many aspects. While it wasn’t ‘good’ to go through the problems I have had using chemicals and other toxins, it did make me aware of what I was consuming, how I was dealing with the manifestations of these toxins, and the alternatives that are there to find. This awareness has lead to a healthier lifestyle, healthier product choices and a desire to become more educated about the world I live in.

During all of these ‘trials’ I was keenly aware that the issues manifesting would have some deeper origin, and yes, some deeper meaning. Our bodies are wonderful instruments for warning us to slow down, clean up, clean out or change direction...just that the dials are hard to interpret at times!! But yes, deep down, I know/knew there was something else I had to address, and thankfully, those messages are becoming increasingly clearer as I open up and begin to accept help in many different forms.

Everyone’s journey is unique, but as humans, we all share a common physical process, a common biology, and yes, we adapt to almost anything that comes our way. That is our survival mechanism. Yet how much energy are we wasting by poisoning ourselves each day with hidden toxins? How much better would we survive if we could put that energy into the things we love and love to do?

I would be very happy to help you find out more about natural and organic products and information
Please call me direct on 0427 152 756 or email jthtc@yahoo.com.au

Blowing the Lid off a popular 'feng shui rule'

In the last four years of operating my Feng Shui consultancy, I have been asked to explain many different aspects and ‘rules’ of Feng Shui theory.

I am often asked about the feng shui ‘no-no’s’, and the most often repeated ‘no-no’ is that of leaving the toilet seat up, or closing the lid so that the house’s ‘wealth’ doesn’t get ‘flushed away’. Incredibly I find this seems to be one of the most remembered ‘things’ about feng shui suggestions. I usually respond with a weary look on my face (sorry, but I do) that this is such an odd energy equation to make when a sewerage system is not only a modern day thing, but it is also a utility that enables us to get unwanted waste out of our home! What’s bad about that? Would we rather have a festering outdoor dunny? And what on earth did the ancient Chinese who developed Feng Shui energy theories make of their sewerage waste system?
In rural China they still use the same system for sewerage processing that they have had for centuries, possibly millennia….that of a large pond that takes all of the waste. (this is if they were lucky enough to live in a community organised enough to have such a system) The excrement is ‘eaten’ by specific plants (reeds, among others) that process the sewerage over a number of seasons. After the icing up of the pond during Winter, where bacteria is mostly killed off by the sheer cold, the thaw of Spring sees the ’crusted layer of solids’ scooped off and used as field fertiliser, and the water is already clean from the reeds and plants filtering it perfectly. I’ve seen a similar system being implemented in rural England recently by homeowners who are 100% committed to being self sustainable, including being responsible for all their own waste.
How are you viewing your shiny porcelain loo now? Something of a luxury wouldn’t you think (even if it isn’t solid gold)? And certainly not an ‘unbeneficial’ addition to the modern home.

So why on earth is it equated with flushing money away from the house?!
In reality, there is no reason why the flushing of an indoor toilet could make any home lose money. They only way a toilet can impact upon the wealth flow of a building is if it is not maintained to a clean and hygienic standard. This is especially unhelpful for your Wealth Feng Shui if the toilet happens to be sitting on or near your building’s Wealth Star. Then, in this specific case, you may find that IF the general energy of your loo room is low level then this may bring down the level of your Wealth Star energy, leading to money loss as a clear potential, or various other losses. One of the ways Wealth Stars are activated is by reticulating water, clean water...so the water coming into the cistern is always clean as it is either town water or from a rainwater tank. This, coupled with a clean and tidy toilet or bathroom serves to activate the energy of that area of the house in a beneficial way. Don’t be scared of having a bathroom on a Wealth Star! It may just be doing you a big favour and bringing you the message of becoming intensely ‘house proud’ of your loo :)

Money comes in via wealth opportunities taken advantage of, supported by great high quality energy. This can be Career and Life Purpose activities, resources in many forms (see May’s article ‘Feng Shui and Wealth Accumulation’) and also the general energy flow of your life. It goes out via obtaining resources for career, (upkeep of self ie: food, clothing, transport etc) health and shelter. So even with the basics of money energy flow
we see there is a circulation occurring. Money going ‘out’ is not always a bad thing. We need to spend money on the necessities of life to be able to survive. Without spending something we cut off the circulation that will lead to an ‘in’ flow of wealth.

So now we come to THE question :) Toilet seat up or toilet seat down? Or does it matter at all? Read on….
Toilet seat up or down? And where is the best place for a toilet in the house?
Keeping the toilet seat down may be common sense and can apply to any ‘waste’ receptacle. Just as it would not be hygienic to keep the lid up on a kitchen bin or a compost bin, it is not hygienic to keep the lid up on a toilet seat. (why do you think these things are designed with lids in the first place?) As for the best place, well there isn’t really a ‘best’ place, more importantly there are places where one should avoid putting a toilet. The obvious is, not next to the front entrance door, and the kitchen or dining areas. Toilets should always be treated with as much respect as the rest of your house, and because they are areas that could harbour unhelpful bacteria, they should receive the same maintenance as your chopping board or kitchen bench. Cleaned thoroughly and regularly to prevent low level energy :)

The question is not really about toilet seats up or down, the location of it or the use of it at all. The important thing to remember is the quality of energy that is being attracted to this room. With this in mind it is simple to provide it with the same attention you need to give your kitchen, or anywhere with ‘entry’ energy connections. Love your LOO! It provides a very important service for ‘exiting’ energy.

Next month: ‘is it bad luck to sleep under a window?’


Coming Up!

Greenfest! June 5—7th City Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
(visit the Miessence/ONEGroup stand and say hello!)
Free admission to all areas—see www.greenfest.com.au for more details

June 5 World Environment Day

‘Night of Light’
May 29th - Logan Central Community Centre,
Cnr Wembley Rd and Jacaranda St, Logan
June 5th - Carrara Community Centre,
Neilsons Rd, Nerang.
Visit www.nightoflight.com.au
Or call Gaia 07 5541 3781

Connections June 09

A wonderful and poetic Mantra arrived for me recently….
“I have enough time to do everything, and nothing needs to be done right Now”.
Ah bliss indeed.

I moved house (again) during the end of April, and with it came the work of all that packing, sorting, moving costs, organising, logistics, and then the unpacking, sorting, organising etc. Me and my husband Robbie chose to view all these goings on as positive this time round. We chose to view all the packing and sorting as a cathartic exercise. We chose to put energy into the whole thing slowly and with patience, and we also chose to remove things from our possessions with acceptance and ease.

It really made a huge difference. Yes, we were tired, yes, it was sometimes putting overt pressure on us (especially with two little children and a baby to look after as well) but we just kept doing one or two or three jobs a day with the packing and sorting, and we constantly removed ‘things’ from our place. We were grateful for the opportunity to ‘get sorted’, and we gently embraced the whole experience. We were able to feel the ‘new energy’ entering with the release of old possessions, stored objects and general clutter. We even sold a few things too!
At the new house we had a few ‘teething’ issues as it was a newbuild, but we took that in our stride as well. I think a lot of the ease came from being prepared for things to unfold ‘as they will’, and not as we ‘wanted’ them too. The electrics and water and gas were all fiddly to get put on and sorted out, not like we have ever had to deal with at any other place...but we received help when we stepped back and requested it. I had been taking Rescue Remedy with Walnut (for Transitions and Travelling) well before we started packing, and I do believe this had a positively tremendous effect on how I coped with the move.

We made sure we accepted ‘days off’ and had time with our friends during this moving period too. These pictures were taken by my lovely friend Michelle in her garden on one such ‘time out for us’ days. So lovely to get out and relax at that time of the year as it is a magical ‘cool down’ yet the sun is warm and generous. There are many opportunities to get out and about this Winter so take advantage of the events on offer and make time to enjoy yourself. Even the recent torrential rain has the upside of filling our tanks and dams, but do give a thought, and physical help too if you can, to those affected by the recent flooding along the East Coast.

Have a Beautiful June and mid-year Solstice on June 21-22. Yah-hah-hey!


PS: Big THANKYOUS to Butterfly for her remedies and wonderful kindness during May. I am feeling lifted by wings and very Angel blessed.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Connections - May 09

We all need a bit of healing now and again. Healing can take on many forms. From a gentle stroll on the beach, like you may have done many times,... yet this ONE time your Mind takes a tangent, and something is released, and healing is invited in to take its place.
Could be that you end up having an insightful conversation and ‘something’ just clicks into place beautifully for you. A potent realisation is accepted and becomes part of you as natural as it can be.

This is REAL natural healing. We are capable of so much, yet we at times choose to swallow negative information from ‘Them’ that say we can’t do it on our own. ‘They’ say we need to take this pill, or do this therapy, or see ‘so and so’ to receive what we need. This concept of ‘bestowal’ is the concept that we are reliant on greater forces than ourselves. I personally don’t think there’s much more powerful a force than that which lies within all of us.
Our innate ability to rise to challenges, seek solutions, try out new ideas, THIS is the Beauty of our Humanity.

Is this just our survival instinct? Or is it something far more Divine in origin, that is the spark of the first idea, the first ‘I can’?

I definitely believe deep in my heart, that we are on a path in this Life Experience, yet I also firmly prescribe to the notion that we can and do make our own pathways too. Perhaps you come to the same conclusion? Perhaps we are just making the Journey to our own liking, and in this concept I find the need to be pro-active an essential format for my life. That’s why I ‘do’ Feng Shui and energy therapies.

I choose to make things good for myself and others. I choose to be of assistance to myself and to others. I choose to respond to great high quality energy, and I choose to dispense with low level experiences by releasing them, changing Me, or inviting in an abundance of Sheng Chi.

This is my healing for now.
I’ll get a massage next month :) xxx Many Blessings of Beautiful Healing, Jannette

Forecast for May

As we feel the energy contract and spiral inwards and downwards in the Southern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere is undergoing a beautiful burst into Springtime energy. Lucky sods….I joke, really, because here in sunny Queensland, Winter is a blessed relief to the oppressive heat of our long, and humid Summer, and most of our plants look glorious in the Wintertime. At least the grass is green in Winter, unlike the golden hues of Summertime ‘stubble’. :)

This May sees the Receptive Star 2 enter the Centre Palace. As the 2 Star is an Earth energy, it will weaken the 9 Fire Star, making for an interesting Health month. I would strongly recommend fortifying your metabolism and your immune system using the stronger herbs like Thyme, Garlic and Rosemary in long cooked root vegetable casseroles, or baked dishes. This can greatly assist the body by warming the Chi and generating good flow around the body of essential nutrients. Get out and do some vigorous and fun exercise to get the blood moving too! Star 2 is associated with the Digestive tract, so make sure you keep an awareness towards what you are consuming. Receptivity is the energy of Star 2, so also observe other forms of consumption, like entertainment, and personal company. Bring all energy intake up to a great and beneficial energy level and enjoy good health this Winter.

The Wealth Star 8 in the SE is visited by the Wise Star 1 which will compel the Wealth star in to action. Beware of chasing too many opportunities and give yourself space to consider your motivations and actions with care.

Authority Star 6 visits the Reputation South and the Passionate Star 4. This can sometimes lead to situations of insubordination, or uncomfortable power plays. Diplomacy is the best course when this combination arises.

In the West, the potential help from the Academic and Romantic Star 4 during May could alleviate any problems that have been caused by the receptivity of the Annual Star 2 here. Receptiveness can help with understanding Creativity of the West sector, but expressive energies are more helpful. Star 4 is all about Human Passion, and what drives it, so this aides the general feeling of this sector. Watch out for displays of childish behaviour though, as the Star 4 is also called The Clever and Indecent Imp!

Competition and Conflict arrive in the NW to weaken the Wisdom Star 1. Weaken with pale Fire element representations in Shape and Colour.

Ugh, 7,5 in the North sector as Career issues may take a lot of diplomacy and tact because of the gossipy Star 7 misbehaving with that pushy Star 5. Use lots of Metal and Water to remedy, and the most excellent remedy of all is the Wealth Bringer Bowl. One metal coloured or metal material bowl, filled with clean water every few days, placed outside in the North sector for 2009.

Ugh again the NE with that very problematic 5,3 combination that can have the potential to cause all kinds of contractual issues. Dot all I’s and cross all t’s, check things twice and thrice etc...you get the idea. Use Metal here this month to weaken that Star 5. Always weaken a Star 5 when it is with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 9.

East sees the potential for lots of chat and socialising this month with Family members. The Vivacious Star 9 full of Beauty, Warmth and Clarity visits that chatty Star 7, which loves to talk metaphysics, as this is a subject that ‘skims the surface’ but has ‘hidden depths’. Tarot anybody?

Look on a floorplan of your house to identify busy areas. These are the ones most likely to be activated by Monthly and Annual Influences. Eg: Main Entry doors, garage entry doors, busy rooms like home offices etc, and don’t forget to check what you will be sleeping on! 6—8 hours exposure to an influence is a fair bit of exposure...

Feng Shui and Wealth Accumulation

Why is most Feng Shui theory all about accumulating ‘wealth’?
When using Flying Stars Feng Shui, or any Feng Shui theory for that matter, wealth is sometimes interpreted as only ‘money’, but it also indicates wealths of other sorts too.

True wealth is all about ‘resources’.
Time, Energy, Happiness, Health, Peace, Connections, etc. Our ability to help others is an enormous wealth, and a tangible way of identifying if we are truly living a ‘wealthy’ life. The avenues from which we receive things into our lives are also a form of wealth. For example, our connections via friends, relatives, organisations etc can be considered a very valuable source of wealth in our lives. They may provide us with help towards our health and well-being, sense of belonging, self-confidence, time management, growth and knowledge and also our opportunities to express ourselves via career or life purpose.

So when a Flying Stars practitioner says they will give you suggestions to ‘activate the Wealth Star’ on your property’s chart, they are indicating that they will be promoting Chi Flow in this area to activate the influence that has the potential of bringing more opportunities for wealth into your life. As we are connected to our homes and business premises, if we activate a certain influence on the property, it will connect with that influence in our Life Experience. (and ditto the opposite). The connection of Earth Influence via our property working in conjunction with the Human Influence (when the opportunity is acted upon) brings with it the potential for the ‘wealth to flow’.

Opportunities not acted upon are the potential(s) not being realised.

This is usually down to the Human Influence not being activated ie: fears/doubts/illusions/perceptions of the opportunity presented. And also, we must not forget the Heaven Influence of our faith and belief. Sometimes the unseen influences that come via messages from our inner voice, messages from ‘signs’ and messages from our Divine Teachers will influence the choices we make. These beautiful influences should be encouraged, invited and not feared. Always ask for the most beautiful, simple and perfect avenue for your desired wealth to manifest through, and watch as the opportunities present themselves.

Life is abundant with opportunities to take full advantage of.
With this in mind we cannot ignore the framework of energy influences waiting to be activated on our property’s chart or energy map. Feng Shui promotes observation, experimentation and evaluation of your property, your lifestyle and your connections to the wonder of nature itself. Utilising the information that this kind of activity brings us is how we can take advantage of great high quality energy and use it to promote True Wealth in our lives every day, which will eventually manifest as a most beautiful Future.

If you would like to find out the energy map of YOUR property, or about Flying Stars Feng Shui and Holistic Feng Shui concepts, I will be very happy to be of service. My consultancy rates for a Feng Shui Assessment are most competitive, and I can offer a payment strategy to suit you.
Holistic Therapy Connections
Call Jannette mb: 0427 152 756

Mantra - The Ulitmate Energy Signature

The word ‘mantra’ is Sanskrit (ancient Hindu) and can be translated as ‘Mind Protector’.
Mantras and Affirmations have become so second nature to me now, that if I am ever stressed, under pressure, tired, or overtly challenged by something I immediately find my brain issuing a phrase to assist or counteract the current situation. I choose to call this keeping a maintenance of my Mind, much like I would do my house and possessions. It is Feng Shui for the Mind!
Using Energy Signatures ™ I can instil the vibration of the Mantra with other forms of vibrational energy to really aide a quick and efficient change in the way I think. Even if the situation is quite challenging, and even if the process of the Mantra + Energy Signatures takes a few days or a week, I know now that this method works, and I persevere until I feel the energy change for the better.

So how do I use Mantra with Energy Signatures?
Easy. Mantras to me have always felt like Blessings, and indeed, most Mantras are a form of Blessing, so I have connected easily to Mantras in other languages because I have understood the general vibration to be ‘hopeful’, ‘assisting’ and Divinely gifted. Taking this vibration, I search through my Mind for memories, or pictures that have a similar or same vibration. Could be an afternoon of cloud watching last year, or when I was a child. Could be a painting I loved, or a book I got completely obsessed with. Could be a crystal I have in front of me, or an essential oil, or a flower in the garden….any number of things may assist you in finding the similar vibration to the Mantra.

Then I literally ‘drink in’ those vibrations as I repeat the Mantra. I can use a visualisation technique and literally ’place’ these other thought forms into my energy field or aura. It is a gentle way of beginning any meditation and I find that it works even when I feel that nothing will bring my ‘fizzing energy’ to a state of Balance!

Use language that means something to you
It may be that Mantra in Sanskrit, Tibetan, or another language can’t resonate with you because you simply don’t understand it, and for that reason I do recommend you start with simple Blessings or statements of Gratitude in your own language so that it really means something to you personally. There are several words that seem to be more potent than others. Here are some tips:

Use the word ‘now’ to make your Mind sit up and take notice.
Peace, Infinite, Love, Blessing, Heaven, Perfect, Beautiful and Thankyou are all powerful Mind food words. Weave them into a phrase to assist your Affirmation or Mantra.
Using these powerful words in Sound form can obliterate negative energy in any space.
Writing down your Mantra (or just these powerful words) repeatedly is subtle and effective, and very suitable, for work situations.

Mantras and Affirmations assist us simply by replacing many thoughts with one thought. One focussed intention to assist us in a deeply personal way. This kind of self assistance is a subconscious affirmation of your own Self Love, and can open up a vast resource for your personal use. Embrace the use of Mantras in all aspects of your life, because they really are the ultimate Energy Signature!

Mantra. Why?
Stabilises thought and energy frequency/vibration
Balances the Heart Chakra
Improves Sleep!
Reduces Stress
Promotes Healing
Increases Recuperative capabilities of the body
Invokes a sense of Peace and Well-Being
Allows expression via thought, speech, song or chant
When chanted, Mantra becomes a beneficial exercise for the internal organs
Helps to achieve varying states of consciousness
Creates a feeling of Protection
Increases Focus
Improves all Brain functions
Directs awareness
In short, Mantra can save your sanity, improve your health and well-being, and assist you in all levels and aspects of Healing

Essential oil dilutions may assist you in finding a suitable vibration to begin your meditation or just bring your energy to a state of calm and facilitate a move towards Balance.
‘Zoned’ Aromatherapy Dilution - Cedarwood, Lavender and Vetiver to assist anyone in attaining a deeper sense of calm and easier access to the meditative state. $10.00/25ml. Can be applied to the wrists and palms or onto a pillow. Order via email or phone.

e: jthtc@yahoo.com.au ph: (VOIP) 07 5631 4054