Tuesday 29 December 2015

Space Clear for the New Year! and a sneak peek at the Feng Shui of 2016

I'm writing up the very last parts of interpretation for the 2016 Monthly Forecasts over the next couple of days ... here's a snippet from the 'Annual Influences Guide Sector Forecast' for the Centre Palace (or the very central area of your home or business building)...

"Centre ~ The Pure Potential offered by the Earth Star 5 has been calmed by the Period Star 8 bringing a sense of ‘pause & reflect’ to all our lifestyle choices. It has opened up a feeling that life might be better lived at a slower pace in general, and our growing awareness of ‘busyness’ in daily life that sucks away contentment, appreciation and gratitude. In 2016 the Earth Star 2; Mother symbology, the energy of nurturing, connections and relationships; is a harmonious link in this triple Earth Star combination. Very grounding. Very stabilizing, and for those who are in flux it will serve as a portal to Health and Harmony objectives. It has the ability, if tapped into, to transform a scattered life into something that is stable, responsible and calm. With the tremendous upheaval we see in many parts of the world, we can take every action to make our homes into havens, our businesses into vehicles for change, and our Life Experience one of real gratitude for the opportunities that present.

In Flying Stars, the combination of an 8 Star and a 2 Star is interpreted as being good for property or land. It can present opportunities that may consolidate real estate investments, or have stabilizing effects upon real estate matters. Conversely, it can put things into a ‘holding pattern’ as the energy of Star 8 slows things down naturally. Regardless of your personal real estate situation, it is a year to put energy towards beautifying, cleansing and enjoying the landscape that your home and business dwells in. This is where rich rewards come from.

Because we have the underlying energy influence of Star 8 within this combination we are able to utilize supportive Elemental Balancing and give this energy some true ‘gravity’. Add a large statue, or sculpture that is either tangibly heavy and rock-like. If it is cubic or rectangular and in the colours of ochre-yellow to soil brown it will also be elementally supportive. However, no running water, and if ill-health is a recurring issue during February, (particularly take notice of digestive issues) place a Salt Water Cure or other Metal Remedy into this central area of the building. Clear away anything unsightly or neglected and repair anything in this area that is damaged or broken."

Feng Shui New Year is not until the beginning of February 2016 so you have more than a month to prepare your spaces! After this powerful Full Moon just gone, it is a PERFECT time to reboot your living and working spaces with a physical clean out and clean up, cleansing ceremony and invitation for all good things to come your way.

Happy Feng Shui-ing everyone!
Jannette :)

#spaceclearforthenewyear #cleansepurifybless #loveyourhome #prosperityspells #AIG2016 #fengshui2016 #flyingstars2016

'One Quiet Moment' - a blessing for 2016

Have been thinking of the year to come, of the hectic feelings this end-of-year time can bring, and upon reflection (in a rare quiet moment) I had this gem pop into my Mind...

"When sublime Peace is achieved, the core state of Consciousness can unlock all manner of potential..."

Sublime Peace is something that occurs without intention, without method or prompting. It comes to you in the most unlikely of places sometimes. Within the tumult of an argument when you have the 'ping' of real insight/compassion/understanding. Within the maelstrom of social events when you find yourself truly observing with gratitude and clarity. Within the mundanity of everyday life as you clean up after your loved ones, and notice how much care you put into what you do.

Wishing you all the time to appreciate your innate magical Consciousness and to give it space to fill your Mind with the ideas for all manner of possibilities.

Blessings for a new year filled with Peace, Happiness and Harmony in perfect ways.

#sublimepeace #truehappinessfromwithin #loveyourlife

Saturday 5 December 2015

Holistic Health and true choice

I have been hesitant in writing this post.
There is so much aggression and misinformation out there at the moment regarding the efficiency of immunisation via vaccines that I have felt the need to remove myself from potential conflict. But my whole Being is on high alert, my energy is just fizzing with the need to speak out for those who might not be able to voice their concerns.

In Australia last week, a legislation was passed which impacts upon many medium to low income earners, taking away their concessions and financial assistance for child-care and family expenses; that they are entitled to as tax payers, because of their child's immunisation status. What is also confronting about this is that the immunisation status is directly aimed at getting vaccination rates higher than what they are now, however the legislation parameter means that anyone outside of the financial bracket is not affected. So this legislation is levelled squarely at the people who will be detrimentally affected by financial strain. It seems unfair, but also income-prejudiced against some of the most needy in our community.

Two things come to mind immediately in response to this legislation.
1. This legislation is a direct and aggressive government decreed action that dismisses basic human rights.
2.  Medical choice has been removed in favour of financial blackmail.

This is very, very worrying for us as a democracy. That the immunisation 'register' is now being upped to include everyone up to the age of 20 is also of concern, as the legislation will impact upon adults and their choices too. I forsee that healthcare workers, teachers and anyone else in the institutionalised careers will be forced into compulsory vaccination to keep their job in the near future if this legislation is not overturned via appeal.

Vaccination is a deeply personal choice because it is a medical intervention that poses serious physical risk, and carries important philosophical decisions within it. Personally, I have an issue having anything cultured on another animal species' biological material injected into my or my children's bloodstream. I feel it will be generations in the future that will allow us to view the real consequences of the experiment of vaccines (if not the generation that I belong to who had no real choice and were bombarded with propaganda and without access to the vital information we have now). I was a child injured by vaccination, and my mother was dismissed by her doctor when she brought me back for treatment for the reactions. I never received treatment, and went through a childhood affected by vaccination damage. So yes, this is a very personal topic for me.

The heavy metals used as preservatives, and the kinds of adjuvants used in vaccines are also concerning to a lot of informed-choice parents.  We do not have a clear 'scientific' picture of what vaccines are doing to a majority of people, other than the myriad of testimonials from parents who choose not to continue with vaccination because of the destructive changes they see in their children post-vaccination. We have a lot of people who seem to be summarily unaffected by vaccinations too.

If we think that vaccination can eliminate viral infections then we are believing in an unattainable reality. Viruses are part of our environment. They mutate into new and untreatable strains. This is scientific fact. If you want to live in a world without the danger of viral infection then becoming part of a space station program is probably something you need to aim for...

My choice to take responsibility for my health (and that of my children) is exactly that...my choice. As is it is anyone else's choice to look at the vaccine ingredient list, and manufacturing methods, and marketing methods, and have the choice to weigh up the risks as they see them, and make their choice. I would not seek to impinge upon their desired action.

As you may see, I list no 'links' to verified peer-reviewed articles on the dangers or risks of vaccines. There are heaps out there. There are many articles in favour of vaccines too. I feel it is redundant to continue in that 'tit-for-tat' exercise. The real message is that science is finding much in the way 'for' and 'against' this issue at large. (whether it is for vaccination or against vaccination)

In finalising this post I give you my personal experience. This is what influenced my decision to find other avenues for maintaining health and obtaining immunisation for me and my children...

In 2004 my daughter was eligible to attend pre-school. She had been immunised during her life and we had encountered the usual childhood illnesses regardless of her vaccinations. My gut feeling was to not have her vaccinated again, but the pre-school needed a 'conscientious objector' form signed unless she was able to produce her vaccination schedule up to date. At the time we had no family doctor and I felt intimidated going to any mainstream doctor to talk about my lack of confidence in vaccines. A long story short, we had her vaccinated, enrolled, and dealt with the issues that arose. Her little brother had been present with us at the doctor's surgery when we took her for her shots, and the staff there pressured us relentlessly to have him done too, even though he had only just got over a cold and we were asking for them to leave it for a while. I remember literally being bullied into having his vaccinations done. At the time I just wasn't informed enough to stand up to the scare-mongering tactics the doctors and nurses use. I crumpled. My husband was just bewildered with my reactions and the information he was being bombarded with. Both children received vaccinations...my little boy was around 18months old. He changed irrefutably after that.
I called the year that followed 'the year of snot'. My children were ill about once a month for at least two weeks each month with respiratory sicknesses, stomach bugs and digestive problems. My little boy developed allergies to foods, his behaviour took a dive in both progress and ability.

I began to read. I began to look for answers. I began to educate myself.
And, no...I didn't use the internet. The first person I spoke to about all of this was a PhD Research Fellow at The University of Queensland who was collating information about toxicity levels in our children. Part of that was looking at vaccinations and toxic ingredients. The information she collated became part of her book 'Chemical Free Kids', which gave an informed and level argument for vaccination research to be continued and vaccine manufacture to be made safer.

What got my attention was the table of ingredients for each vaccine. The fact that they are cultured using pig, horse, monkey, chicken and cow biological material. Parts of DNA, particles from other species used to make our vaccines that we shove into the blood of our babies. My brain did a complete "WTF???!!!" reaction. I think I read those pages about four or five times to make sure of what I was reading. But it was true. Then the 'real' research began. I delved into pediatric peer reviewed journals. I read a mountain of 'for an against'. I got disgusted and appalled by the aggression and misinformation that comes through from the companies who are making these vaccines. I was depressed and disappointed that scientific procedure is NOT followed for vaccines as they are for other medicines. How can this be allowed? Simple...there IS an agenda, and it IS corporate funded. Money rules the roost at present and woe to anyone who sees it differently.

Anyway. 10 years or more on and my children do not receive vaccines. They have had robust good health, going through the usual phase each year of having one or two bouts of flu or cold, and getting over them with natural remedies, care and attention. As a Holistic Practitioner, I believe that it is not just one thing that makes us sick or healthy, but a rounded approach, utilising a collection of lifestyle choices for health and wellbeing that ensure...well, ... 'health and wellbeing'. And it is also a collection of things that make use sick too.

We shall see what becomes of this latest legislation. I sincerely hope it is overturned. I sincerely hope that something happens to the way these big companies 'sell' their vaccines.

Wishing you and your family the freedom to choose what is best for you.
In Peace and Good Health

What feeds YOU? Annual Influences for 2016

So I wasn't going to continue to do the AIG this year coming.
I've had a lot of complications with L I G (Life In General) this year but it has been rewarding. There have been immense challenges, and we as a family have figured out a fair few of them, even had some beautiful achievements because we have chosen to see these challenges from a perspective of intended growth, not obstacle.

My little side biz of Magic Earth Mumma (aromatherapy alchemy & wellness) has had me on my marketing and product development toes...but I yearn for the complex simplicity, the texture of duality and the total contradiction that occurs in my life when I am in the flow of my own feng shui!

It's like living a life and seeing it from a perspective that feels like Heaven (or Hell, as it would at times).

And so I begin to research and write up the AIG 2016 and I'm in Heaven again :)

A beautiful depiction of Monkey offering Buddha some honey to eat...

Here's a snippet of the opening paragraphs... enjoy.

"2016 brings with it the energy of Mother Earth. Star 2 is associated with the Mother personality and the Element of Earth. It is fecund, nourishing, nurturing, strict, relentless and deceptively unstable. If I take anything from feng shui studies and observations it is that the personalities and associations ought to be viewed as one side of two halves. Weakness or Yin is the flipside of flexibility and depth.  We have no need to hold one gender above another, as each is complimentary to the other, and without one the other does not exist.  So to begin with this is not going to be a year of feminism (however great that would be) or a year of misogyny (however appalling that would be), it IS going to be a year of understanding where your nourishment comes from.
 What feeds YOU?"

The new feng shui year begins on the 8th of February 2016 and goes all the way to the 27th January 2017. I will be as usual, collating ALL the relevant monthly charts and breakdowns for each month to alert you to all the fantastic energy to utilise, and all the stuff to block, deflect or dismantle (energetically). 

Here's to a great new year and some perfect gatherings!



Book your 2016 Gathering now. *Available to all purchasees of the AIG. Book your gathering for a Wednesday evening or Saturday morning during January, February or March 2016. *conditions apply
Special offers for consultations are presented at each Gathering.