Thursday 7 October 2010

Using Botanical Sources for Vitamins and Minerals - Part 1

Whenever I've started researching vitamin and mineral supplements I've usually been concerned about whether the manufacturer has used any fillers or additives in the product, or I've been interested to know 'where does this mineral come from?', 'what is it's source?'. I know that I'm far happier not 'popping pills' and prefer to get my nutrient intake from fresh and usually raw foods.
But why do I do this?
Botanical sources of vitamins and minerals are more digestable, take less energy to digest, and when used in combinations that compliment each other can optimise the absorption within the body.
Cool hey ? :)
'Abundant' by Ross Lamond. Market stall food in plentiful supply anywhere in the world...

Magnesium Rich Foods - help smooth muscles, and other connective tissue
Black Beans
Brocolli (raw, cultured)
nuts - Almonds, Cashews, Brazil (raw)
Pumpkin Seeds
Raw Cacao
Cooked Spinach

Potassium Rich Foods - helps to metabolise (digest and process) Magnesium, Iron and Vitamin C
Papaya / Paw Paw (red)
Honey (raw, unpasteurised)
Jerusalem Artichokes
Radish (raw)
Capsicum (raw)

Vitamin C Rich Foods- assists cell renewal and repair, also a fantastic immune system supporter
KiwiFruit (golden is highest in Vit C)
Kakadu Plum
Marula Cherry
Tropical Guava
Oranges (blood)

Up Magnesium foods when you have been having muscle cramps or aches (growing pains in children) and take them with Vitamin C and Potassium foods to increase the overall effect. Increase Vitamin C foods if you are feeling a little 'under the weather' or if you experience shock or exhaustion. Potassium foods are good for increasing stamina and confidence.

Enjoy your fresh foods as organic products or grow your own so you know exactly how they have been grown, and, you can benefit from obtaining the vital force of the foods as potently as possible :)

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