Tuesday 31 August 2010

Forecast for September 2010

This September we have an abundance of the Wood Element influencing aspects of Wealth, Growth, Abundance and Placement.

Wood element is typically ambitious, vigourous, and also gentle, patient...exhibiting the qualities we look for to further our goals and dreams. The Wood element is located in the SE and East on the Bagua map, used in Feng Shui to identify certain Life Aspects and energy influences. Traditionally, these two areas are named 'Growth and Wealth' and 'Family and Health' respectively. In the last few years of compiling notes and teaching Feng Shui, I've spent a lot of time in meditation with the directions, and have come up with slightly different ways of describing the energy influences. The SE to me is an Abundance energy, and the East is one of Preparation. The trigrams for each area correspond with my new descriptions; the SE is named 'the gentle' and the East is 'the arousing'....I feel I've captured the Life Aspect description for those with 'western heads' by giving them their new names.

In September the Wood elements are in very powerful positions as two are aligned with Earth element 8, which is also the ruling Star for 2010. The other two are aligned with both the Future Star 9 and the previous ruling Star 7. Ok, enough of all this theory... :) what's in store for the month??!

Centre - Stability is visited by Passions, potentially rocking your sense of 'direction in life'.
Tip: This influence is asking the question 'are you happy in your heart with what you do?'. Either answer the question and solidify your life direction or, weaken the influence by placing pale Fire coloured flowers in the Centre of the building...

SE - Abundance has issues this month with a potential loss occurring from pleasure seeking.
Tip: Avoid potential loss with organising your budget rigorously! Also, on a more physical level take notice of energy drains and protect oneself with Malachite, Tektite, and Black Tourmaline gemstone. If you have any broken or ugly things in the SE please fix them or remove them as this will attract low level energy, and this month with the potential loss combination visiting it will pay to have your building's security shipshape physically as well as energetically.

South - Perceptions are in focus now, you will find that quiet contemplation brings a clarity to the way you wish to present yourself and how you want others to see you. If you aren't ready for this, it can be stressful, so implementing the remedy below should postpone this to a more suitable time :)
Remedy: Add Fire colours (reds, oranges, pinks, purples) and shapes (triangular, pointy, star-like)

SW - Connections are still in a phase of transformation this year, and this month sees a breakthrough of sorts, with the expression of a situation changing. If its still 'all too much' for you, and there are way too many messages being bandied about within a relationship then use the remedy to alleviate the combination of influences this month.
Remedy: Add Metal representation using White, Silver, Gold, Pewter and irridescents (think dragonfly wings...) in boldly curved and globular shapes. Also use 'the sound of metal', an easy and potent 'cure' for the potential associated with Star 5 influence.

image from 'thesmittenimage.blogspot.com'

West - Excellent energy in the Creation sector for any writing projects. This combination sees accumulated knowledge being expressed for your benefit.
Tip: Spend time here brainstorming, or writing with your laptop, pad and pen, sketchbook etc. It will reward you.

NW - Progression is confused by options, and not all of them good. Counsel may be taken, but be sure of the guru you choose. Don't make momentous decisions for the future of anything this month, however if you already have something in the pipeline, plod along with it quietly and avoid people with 'grandiose' ideas about what you 'should be' doing.
Remedy: The Metal representation here again to smudge out that Star 5 influence.

North - Vocations are given a 'long lense' and the propensity to daydream your plans is supported.
Tip: Got time on your hands? a meditation or pleasant daydream in this area can be nourishing and maybe even bring in a few of those precious 'ah hah!' moments too.

NE - Contemplation may be marred by distracting thoughts, company and speech. Internal wars, and unhelpful Mind Chatter can manifest as a result of this combination. At worst you may find yourself complaining and gossiping, or being held in a conversation with someone who is having a right 'bitch' about someone else, and its all quite draining.
Tip: Be polite, be honest, just excuse yourself and do something active and outdoors. Also, you can use this for clairvoyance etc or find an affirmation you love and make it your mantra. Take extra care of your mouth, throat and Heart Chakra area.

East - Preparation of any plans is given a little divine connection. Be on the lookout for glowing synchronicity.
Tip: Place a representation of a divine being (statue, icon, painting, etc) to invite in the kind of assistance you require. eg: Kuan Yin for Mummas and bubs, Buddha for anyone :), Angels for those in need of guidance, favourite ancestors and relatives already crossed over for help with family issues, etc.

Have a lovely lovely September, the mild month. Respite before Winter in the NH, and down here it is the transition from cold snaps of early Spring into the deeper heat of mid Spring. I've got dandelions and wattles glowing gold all around me and loving it :)


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