Monday 23 August 2010

Feng Shui Symbology - Windows

Feng Shui Symbology makes up for a lot of the 'superstition' within its theory, and can sometimes help to explain the importance of energy maintenance, space clearing, de-cluttering and more.  (You can find more by looking through posts under 'FengShui' on this blog)

Take the importance of clean windows and Feng Shui. The windows are the eyes of your building, and as your energy is connected to the place you dwell in, they are also symbolic of the way you will 'see' things. Same goes for a work premises and includes display cases and shopfront windows of course.

There are few helpful things to remember when it comes to the 'windows' of your building.
  • Blocking off views can be detrimental to your health as it blocks off 'Sheng' (good, high quality) energy flow and the flow of influence, however, if you block out a 'Sha' (bad, low quality) or 'Si' (very bad, unbeneficial, depleting) view you will improve the energy of your building slightly. The Sha or Si influence is still there affecting your building, so it does not get rid of it for good, but closing off the view of it helps your personal energy to improve.
  • Always having the curtains closed over your windows can manifest irrational fears, and promote 'narrow minded' thinking. (people who do this may have something they feel they need to hide from others and have issues with 'shame') As always, energy flow is important for overall good health, and natural light a key factor in good mental and emotional health.
  • Cloudy and uncleaned windows bring on confused thoughts and miscommunication because you 'can't see clearly' and you may become prone to making unhelpful choices.
  • Beautiful views outside your living area windows and bedroom windows improve your health as you energetically 'connect' with Nature.
Thanks to

  • A cracked window can signify a connection that has been severed. Identify the connection affected and explore the message's significance in your life. ie: was the connection beneficial and do you need to mend it? or was it a connection that you are happy to have severed? 
  • A broken window indicates a loss of energy, or, conversely, a 'breach in your defenses' you need to explore which it is. Have you been unexpectedly feeling low and tired? or have you had someone cause you ill-feeling? Psychic-vampire friends, family and acquaintances are all good places to look for 'energy breaches'...and you may need to perform a kind of Space Clearing for you and your building before and after getting the window repaired.  (I also feel this applies to our vehicles, especially if you rely on your vehicle a lot for family or work obligations)
Broken windows can symbolise a 'breach in your defenses'

  • Continually feeling the need to clean your windows indicates you are in a Phase of Progression (looking for something coming to you) and are inviting information to come your way :) Keep it up and be happy in your work :) but also explore other ways of inviting in the knowledge you require to proceed confidently. You can be ignoring messages from within if you are always on the 'lookout' for help.

There are perhaps more indicators, but lets not go nuts with it all. Please remember to clean windows with non-toxic products so that you keep the energy of these eyes as high as possible. You wouldn't spray 'windex' into your own eyes so why should you do this to your home or business premises? Using a mixture of White Vinegar and Filtered Water in a 20:80 ratio is great. If you have mould on the window sills or runners use a rag dipped in warm water and a few drops of Clove Oil. This kills mould spore dead as dead can be and prevents it coming back for a long while.

Have you ever had a symbolic window connection occur? Comment and let us know all about it! :)


1 comment:

  1. Hanging wind chimes and garden spinners on outdoor spaces is great for purifying energy and inviting positive chi.


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