Saturday 11 July 2009

Forecast for July 09

Double up! What does that mean? The Annual and Monthly energy influences for each sector are the same, and therefore the layer of energy is potent.

In the Annual Influences Guide for 2009, the Monthly Forecast was:
“Wealth SE is doubled, so this is the month to put effort and intention into all your plans and doings. Make it a beautiful area.
Ditto Centre as well, being the Future Wealth Star. Want Wisdom and Ideas? go sit in the NW now.
Alerts for North (5) and West (2). Piano music or metal wind chimes stat!
Take note; “Where is your energy most activated at your premises??!” and therefore,
“What influence is most activated??”

This month the Wealth Sector of the SE is extremely potent, so it is THE month to get the energy in this part of your building and property feeling particularly spectacular. Water feature? Gemstones? General tidy up and ‘love-in’ session due for this area? Perhaps all three, what the heck! Continue the vibe of Abundance and Prosperity diagonally this month, through the Centre to capture the great energy of the Annual Ruling Star 9, and the Wisdom Star 1 in the NW. (if your house has the entry and exit doors in the SE to NW, you can really take advantage of great energy flow this July)

AVOID: crap of any kind lingering in the West or North.
Clear up and de-clutter, remove anything in these areas that can bring the energy down, and use a good energy enhancer like Elestial Quartz, Black Tourmaline or other kind of energy protecting and cleansing crystal. Use some good commonsense air flow and sunshine if you can, and then burn something gorgeous like Nag Champa, or one of the granulated incenses like Basilica or Priory which invoke beautiful Divine energy quite effortlessly.

Metal energy is GOOD good good good good for these two sectors during July. Metal is White, Gold or Silver in Colour, and Round or Globular in Shape. Combing the required Colour and Shape into your décor is an easy way of instilling a certain ‘type of energy’, or ‘element’. Metal in Sound is also a preventative measure and remedy for unhelpful Earth energies like the Star 2 or 5. Use beautiful piano or Balinese inspired music to bring in that metal energy. Bells on doorknobs, metal windchimes, chiming clocks,...any of these can be easily ‘installed’ into an area and taken out again when no longer needed, or moved to another area in need.

Watch that chatty energy does not degenerate into pure gossip in the East. Observance of speech and thought are the big things with Star 7. It can be helpful in talking about Dreams and hopes, desires and wishes, but nothing needs to be criticised, blamed or disparaged because it isn’t ‘what it should be right now’. Gently does it.

If in business, utilise the competitive energy pooling into the NE during July to give you an edge, BUT, if this is the family home Dining or Lounge area, input the Fire Element in Shape (triangular or pointy/star-like) and Colour (reds, purples, pinks, oranges) to avoid conflict and aggressive behaviours.

Passionate ideas and feelings can be invoked into the South with a true representation of who you are and what really pushes your buttons. Star 4 is associated with Academia and Romance, the two big drives in human nature, passions of the head and heart :) Having this squarely in the South Reputation sector can mean that perceptions of yourself, and the perceptions that other people have of you, will be in the spotlight.

Authority in Relationships comes up big and strong in July. Could mean a make or break reality check for anyone who has this aspect of their lives being activated this year. Can you find compromise and maintain your Pride too? Is Ego taking too much of a front seat in your day to day dealings with your loved one or significant other? What is Authority to you and what is real Power? Asking odd questions like this can bring up confronting answers, so be able to accept your inner wisdom, and take baby steps if necessary towards Peace and compatibility on another level.

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