Tuesday 29 March 2011

Flying Stars and Holistic Feng Shui Forecast for April 2011

Wow, so here it is, potentially the last forecast from Holistic Therapy Connections, but not the last one from me at all :) My intention has been to make Flying Stars Feng Shui accessible for anyone to look at, with little explanations that are useful if you're learning this style of Feng Shui, and I'll continue to do that.

What's in store during April? Well lets gets stuck in and have a look!

First up...Mercury goes Retrograde as of March 31 all the way up until April 22. What does this mean? Means that you can expect journeys to be longer, or stalled, or delayed or just stopped. Don't count on communication technology to help you out. Breathe deeply and just wait till later. Be occupied with self development and do lots of 'behind the scenes' kind of work.

For us here in the Southern Hemisphere this suits just fine. The energy is on the contracting, inward moving spiral, downwards reaching into the Earth, its a time of collecting nuts so to speak.

Lets notice the Centre Palace energy first up. The combination of both Metal Agent numbers is called 'Crossed Swords' and has the potential to bring with it arguments, fighting and physical agression. Also, on the practical side of life, beware if you have the Kitchen in the centre of the house, or a hobby room, as injuries with sharp blades are a 'real' potential.
Remedy: Water in Shape and Colour - Black and Dark Blues, shiny surfaces, wavy and irregular shapes. Holistically, use representations of Calm and Beauty...curved statues of Kuan Yin, Mother Mary etc, these all help with this particular combination of influences.

A similar story happens in the North Vocation sector indicating a potential for arguments and petty fighting with colleagues, and it has usually got something to do with one party being overtly 'ambitious'...as is the influence of that 3 Star.
Remedy: Metal in Shape, Colour and Sound - Gold, Silver, White, Irridesence, Round and Globular forms, music made with metallic instruments ie: chimes, gongs, piano, etc.

In the SW the combination of 3,4, both Wood Agents, can mean that 'rivalry' energy comes to visit. If the kids are in here it can mean more squabbling than is usual (or tolerated), and for 'the grownups' sleeping here it can bring a time of second guessing as two options seem to be fighting for attention.
Remedy: Fire in beautiful, soft and delicate Form - Pink, Lilac, Peach, Blossoms, soft textured fabric.

The West has a pretty gorgeous kind of vibe to make up for all of this :) with Star 8 and 9 teaming up to bring in that Wealth, Health, Happiness frequency, and all of it in the Creation sector! woohoo ! A super duper spot to doodle, create, paint, brainstorm, activate and plan out the 'next big fantastic thing'.
Tip: Set up a workspace and imbue with Fire and Earth Agent in Shape and Colour - Red and Browns in pointy, triangular, star-like, square, rectangular and cubic shapes.

Gorgeousness continues in the NE with Wisdom Star 1 balanced perfectly with the energetic and Vivacious Star 9. The Contemplation sector allows for smooth Reflection, which is of course the easiest path to Wisdom.
Tip: Meditate Here. So make it restful, undistracting, perfect, calm, comfortable.

The East with this pesky and irritating Star 5 all year is being painful for anyone with a true passion (Star 4) and a front door in this direction. Take it easy and up the dosage of your Metal Agent here.
Remedy: Metal in Shape, Colour and Sound...as previous in North for this month...

Ditto this for the SE this month as that Star 5 visits Star 6 to really put into perspective what is happening astrologically with the whole Mercury Retrograde. 'Uncomfortable Change' is pure potential...but it buggers up our Authority over any plans. Learn to BE FLEXIBILITY in physical form...you can do it.
Remedy: Metal in Shape, Colour and Sound...etc.

Romance potentials glide through the NW and the Progression sector is alive with 'what if's'. Do you meet your twin-flame? Do you get a new pal? Do you just begin to LOVE something all the more because you're going to notice how damn gorgeous it IS? Anything is possible!
Tip: Love it up. This space will respond to flickering of tealights, sweet scents of Rose, Jasmine and Neroli. Make it pretty and spend time here with your loves or someone you love :)

Lastly the Perception sector in the South and a heads up for all those who 'mother' things. The combination of 2,1 is Propulsion to the extreme. Take time out from analysing things. Step back, and smell the eucalyptus.
Remedy: Metal in Shape, Colour and Sound, but also, pop in the Salt Water Cure if you haven't already. Salt promotes those all important negative ions into our atmosphere, balancing the effects of electrical devices so often associated with modern life and work (she writes on her laptop while laying in bed)... !

Have a Quiet and Uneventful April everyone. Stay Safe, Remain Calm and lets just get on with it.

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