Friday 25 February 2011

Tuning into Love 025 - "So far..."

Wow, this year has certainly begun with its full share of Destruction from the Star 7 energy. We are all feeling the effects of shock, sorrow, displacement and sadness, but also there is immense hope, beautiful energy of compassion and kindness that is emanating from all of the events in the past two months. Humans are realising that we are here for each other. Out of all of this pain comes something as dazzling as human love. And for those of us who are still raw and bruised within the grip of grief, or experiencing first hand the grief of someone we care for, we can take heart that in time the shock eases, the pain eases, and the memories of the best times with those now lost, or times past, bloom soft and soothing.

"I now invite Beautiful Memories to my Mind"

Star 7 is the Ruling Influence for 2011 to Feb 2012, and its name is 'The Spirit of Destruction', with associations of Pleasure, Destruction, Joyousness and Speech. It has the energy of 'hidden messages' because the ancient way to write its name using a Trigram (three lined drawing) looked like a mouth speaking, and of its other association with the landscape of a marsh...shallow water (emotions on the surface) and unstable earth below. It is compelling for me as a student of Flying Stars Feng Shui to study the correlation of events this year with the Ruling Influence associations. Floods that have moved over our landscape and earthquakes that have rocked the stability of our world. While it is great to be forewarned of possible misfortune, it is quite difficult to predict what our planet will go through with pinpoint accuracy, and to do so can systematically destroy a flow and beauty to Life itself.

"I am Me because of the happenings of my Life"

For now, the emphasis is on looking to support those in need. If we are not physically close we can help energetically, by performing meditations, quiet contemplative moments sharing our Heart energy with anyone in need. If we are physically close we can open our homes, and our hearts to people who need comfort and sustenance. Its not about how much money you can or cannot donate, the currency of Love and Understanding, of really being there for someone, far exceeds any financial assistance we could offer. And yes, that means putting up with the question of 'why me', or patiently accepting that the natural instinct is to find someone to 'blame'. If you are providing assistance as a carer or counselor, you too are in need of support. A combination of therapies like 'time out' in silence, regular doses of Rescue Remedy (Bach Flower Essences) and soothing aromatherapy like Rosewood and Chamomile to encourage good sleep will help you cope with the emotional onslaught.

Destruction is always a catalytic thing. It brings about change and new growth. People find within the experience of Loss, emotions never felt, and reserves of strength they've never tapped before. With the event of Solstice 2012 coming up, there is much for the human race to consider. As an observer of planetary and galactic energy I see there is a powerful shift taking place during the last decade, it has been building and building from one massive display of action and emotion to another, each one changing the consciousness of our societies. The culmination of it all is something I trust the powerful force of Love that guides this reality has in order.

"We are all Infinitely Powerful and Loved"

So far, we have come, and so far we are here, and so far, we are able to provide relief, help, comfort, love and understanding for those who need it. So far. We have come SO far and wherever we are now, we will get 'there' from 'here'. Exactly where we are Now.
Blessings for Hope and Security, Love and Compassion

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