Saturday 26 February 2011

Everyday Safe Skin Care

Ever had a look at the amazing amount of creams and serums, lotions and potions there are on the shelves these days? Ever tried to say some of the ingredients on the back of the packaging?! Maintaining good skin is all about having a great dietary intake, and managing our lives so that stressful times are balanced with times of calm and peace too. Its not about which cream you use, or how often you stick to a rigid regime of 'cleanse/tone/moisturise'. However, it is good to have a maintenance program for when our skin needs some help. Hormonal 'times' in our lives, or if we are going through stressful periods, can affect the radiance and health of our skin, and that can have a big effect on the way we feel, our self confidence, and our outlook on life.

Here are a selection of everyday basic ingredients you can use to maintain your skin without buying into the false promises of commercialised, chemical laden products.

To clean - add one tablespoon of Ground Oatmeal to one teaspoon of Raw Honey. Wet your face then rub the mixture over your skin gently in upward circular motions, using a little water to make it gooey. Wash off with luke warm Water. (oats are very balancing for all kinds of skin types)

To tone and condition - Splash the face with ice cold clean water and Aloe Vera gel (fresh from a plant, you'll only need about half a teaspoon of clear gel) and then pat gently with a clean cloth. (aloe is very soothing and healing, as well as being a good firming agent for skin)

To moisturise - On damp skin (from the conditioning) apply two to three drops of cold pressed Coconut Oil or Rice Bran Oil, mixed with another half teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel. Allow the oil to air dry for a few minutes and be absorbed. (cold-pressed virgin oils are excellent for plumping and nourishing our skin layers, mixed with aloe it is absorbed more easily by our skin)

My aloe vera plants looks a bit hacked at times as I'm always out there whacking off another spike,... :) but they are well loved and grow so easily in abundance with little effort. Aloe vera gel is excellent for burns, scrapes, cuts, blemishes, rashes, pimples, etc., but be aware that commercial products contain additives, preservatives and fillers, which might not be good for your skin. Always check the label and ask questions if you don't know what an ingredient is.

I'll be sharing more ideas about skincare from your kitchen pantry and garden in my book 'Scrub Yourself Silly', (available for purchase very soon!) which will have recipes for Soothing, Cleaning and Healing your skin and yourself. And if you want to know where you get safe, pure and potent skincare products already made up for you, then please visit my Miessence website, where you can buy certified organic products made without any synthetic ingredients at all.

Blessings for Bright and Beautiful Skin!

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