Thursday 3 February 2011

Forecast for February 2011

Wow, its here :) Officially we are at the turning point on the Solar Cycle, about to zoom on into the New Feng Shui Year overnight! This month's forecast sees the Ruling Star in the Centre change from the 8 to the 7, indicating a year of communication with both challenges and beauty. Always aim for the Beauty though..much nicer.

From the Annual Influences Guide and Calendar:
"The Ruling Influence for 2011 is Star 7, a complex energy relating to pleasure, joy, destruction and communication. Energy has two ‘sides’; its Yin and Yang aspects, and more than anything, Star 7 is an energy that is fundamentally ‘dual’ in nature. The Trigram is called ‘Dui’ or ‘Tui’ (pronounced ‘dway’ or ‘tway’) and represented by a three lined drawing (a trigram) depicting solid foundation (two Yang lines) with a shallow opening (one Yin line) at the top…it is often likened to a mouth in speech and for this reason Star 7 is related to the energy of talking. It can be useful for giving information, sharing, chatting etc, but also it can be responsible for gossip, arguing and sniping."

(There is loads more about what to expect from this dominant energy layer during 2011 in the AIG, available for order from 

During February we have the wonderful occurrence of the Star 8 manifesting with this Ruling Star 7 in the Centre to help bring this energy up to a beautiful level. 8 and 7 are both the 'youngest' personality associations, and for this reason this combination is called 'Young Romance'. Its beautiful, but is also a sort of classical 'opposites attract' situation. Solid and calm Star 8 with chatty and joyful Star 7. 
Because Star 7 is not in its most favourable position on the cycle of energy (it ruled between 1984 and 2004, so it's just lost it major influence) we will benefit from subduing it during 2011 by removing Earth representations from the Centre area of our buildings, and/or, implementing Water representations. 
Star 7 in the Centre / Stability sector means that we will also benefit from inviting Joy into our lives with pure and high vibrational means during the year. I'd suggest a Bach Flower Blend of Beech (for tolerance), Impatiens (for patience and slowing down) and Cerato (to stimulate trust in your intuition). This blend is available as the 2011 Blend from the website for only $10, and will help you begin the year in good stead by taking a dosage course. You could also choose to place the essence in the Centre of your house to increase its 'usage' :)
Tip: Enhance the Star 8 with Fire representations, like beautiful gems in reddish hues, and subdue the Star 7 with Water representations, like black and dark blues in wavy designs.

So the Centre is all about seeking the easy, pleasurable, joyful expression of life; which is great, but how does this affect the other sectors of our buildings? Seeing as 'Perception is Everything', lets have a look at the South sector first and see what is going on there...

In the South the Annual Star is now 2, the Earth element and Mother personality. It is also not on its most favourable place on the cycle of energy, so the area in the South needs to be cleaned up and kept beautifully all year. Star 3 comes to visit for February, which can indicate arguments and disagreements based on ego. Release all that, its a matter of Perception. Change the way you are viewing someone's 'attack' to see it as their 'defense', and things work out in a more compassionate way.
Remedy: The Sound of Metal from a metal windchime, piano music, bells on the doorknobs here, etc...anything that can make that sound often and sweetly. Metal in Shape and Colour as well, so use round and fecund objects in White, Gold/Silver, Pearlescent and Irridescent shades. Put in place your Salt Water Cure now :)

The SW has the Passionate Annual Star 4 in residence this year, but is afflicted somewhat during February with the Star 5. We may feel confusion towards a specific relationship with this kind of combination, and may in turn feel that our connections to certain individuals are unclear. My suggestion is to back off and stay quiet, be diplomatic and reserved but kind, and get through to March where we will see the 'double up' effect of the Annual and Monthly Star aligning, which will bring a burst of renewed energy to this particular Life Aspect. Academics who sleep here will feel inspired again by their true loves, and lovers will feel inspired by their true loves. All good :)
Tip: Don't put the usual Pale Fire remedies in place for Star 4 yet. Use February as a month to quietly and slowly tidy this area up, removing anything that could be 'low level' energy.

In the West the balancing combination of (Water) Star 1 visiting the Annual Star 9 (Fire) sees ideas and wisdom visit inspiration and energy in the Creativity sector. SUCH a good spot this year for a workdesk/homeoffice/hobbyspace! Face West this year for best directional support for all endeavours.
Tip: Enhance with Fire representations, clean running water, and a tidy spot to do your work :)

The NW has the Annual Wealth Star in it all the way up until February 2012, so get stuck into the great energy layer here that invites beautiful synchronicity in all things to do with teachers, gurus, mentors, guardians of all kinds etc. It has the Vivacious Star 9 visiting during February, so do do do do do motivate yourself to clean up and gorgeousify this area of your building and property to manifest great wealth opportunities.
Tip: Enhance with Earth and Fire representations and clean running water inside and/or outside this sector of the property.
The North is going to get a boost of energy from the Star 3 all year which should make it easy for us to 'feel ambitious', however, Star 3 is capable of intensity leading towards Conflict, where its Competitive nature runs amok. Keep it in check with thoughts of integrity towards a higher purpose for all things relating to your Vocation. With the Star 4 visiting this month, our thoughts will again be moved towards what makes our hearts beat faster, and what our higher purpose is here on Earth now. Does your Vocation/Career/Life Purpose synchronise with your daily/weekly activities? Is your lifestyle aligned with your greatest good?
Remedy: Balance this energy with Pale Fire representations and images of Compassion. 

The NE Contemplation sector is brought brilliant 'Sheng Chi' all year with the Annual Star 1 of Wisdom, Ideas and Expression aligning with the area that can help us ponder Life's broader issues. A good spot to enjoy setting up a meditation 'space', which could be as simple as removing a few things and popping a comfy cushion or three in place. This Star 2 visiting during February has the potential to cause mum's to feel oppressively pushed into action. If you sleep here and are a 'working mum', please take care of your energy levels by introducing a superfood or three, and detoxing too.
Tip: Organise this space to recieve great energy all year long, but for Feb, put in place a Salt Water Cure, or Salt Cure and take more notice of health (particularly digestive health) and energy levels.

The East has the unfortunate Star 5 in residence all year. As it is the Family and Health sector, it represents all that we do in Preparation for Life. PLEASE do clean this area, fix things that need to be repaired, brighten it up and air it out. Keep it quiet if you can. If it is your front door and you cannot change the entry to your home or business you will benefit from implementing some Sound of Metal cures and placing Rock Salt under the doormat, growing Holy Basil here, and generally doing some sort of 'clearing' energy maintenance on it all year. Star 5 is the agent of Change, and it can often be uncomfortable if left to find any low level energy. As this is teaming up with the Leadership and Authority Star 6, it has the potential to bring 'bad news' from superiors or governing bodies. It can also cause 'general mental confusion',....great hey?!

REMEDY: (Of course we need to Remedy this and prevent any sort of potential 'uck'!) Sound of Metal cure in place! Metal representations in shape and colour. Remove low level energy 'anything' and keep it clear. Do not face East for working extended periods of time during 2011. (more info in the AIG regarding other directional influences you may need to be aware of)

Finally, the SE, the Wealth and Growth / Abundance sector, and we see that the Authority and Leadership Star 6 is here all year. This can help all of us 'take the reins' and manifest our wealth into the reality we want. It approves 'direct action' towards your goals. Take some time, identify a strategy, put it in place and PROCEED. 
The Star 7 visits this month and as these two are both Metal element, this combination is 'Clashing Swords', and can bring about fights and arguments, accidents with metal objects etc. It has the potential to bring reprimand from an Authority figure because of reckless talk. Zip the lip, nod politely and back away towards the door. 
Tip: Input some Water in Shape and Colour during February to allay the potential conflict from the combination of 6,7. 

Blessing for a great start to the Feng Shui New Year which occurs over tonight and during tomorrow on the 4th February 2011 :) Open up the windows and doors to the NE to receive in the Sheng Chi Angel Star 1, the West to receive in the Angel of Vivacity and Vigour Star 9 and the NW to receive and invite in that beautiful Angel of Wealth and Happiness Star 8!! wooohooo!

Sparkling Lights 

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