Tuesday 13 January 2009

Symbolism - Signs of Life

Why is it that so often in Life we seem to overlook wonderful intuitions and get ourselves ‘stuck’ in situations that we may well of avoided had we listened to our inner voice? Seems like we spend a lot of time nodding and shaking our heads, relating stories about how we should have ‘known better’, and we’ll listen to our feelings ‘next time’. Well, NOW is the time to start listening to yourself, take notice of the happenings around you and by you, and ‘listen’ to the messages coming through.

Signposts in life can be small events that seem familiar. These are often referred to as ‘dejavu’ experiences. I kind of use them to reassure myself that I’m on the right track, the right Life Path for me. Other signposts happen as events that may slow us down, like illnesses, injuries and accidents, or unfortunate/unforeseeable twists to our best laid plans. Alternatively there can be wonderful connections, windfalls, or successful outcomes after a troublesome time, that indicate we are on the right track. Whatever form these signs come in, they are here to be recognised. With this in mind, it is easier to see the silver lining to most dark clouds.

Consider that some of the people you meet quite ‘by accident’, or in a extremely unformal way (waiting at the bus stop or in the supermarket que kind-of-thing) may actually be signs themselves. Did you have a conversation with them? What was the conversation about? And did you make strange ‘confession-like’ conversation, or was it very guarded speech? Either thing can indicate a need on your behalf to examine the subject of the conversation, or intended conversation, and explore that subjects relevance in your current life situation. A colour may become quite important to you, or you may find yourself drawn to a particular place in your house or garden, or a special place you like to visit. Take notice of this kind of thing, there is always a meaning within the action. Even songs that stick in your head! A certain phrase that you either speak or hear often, will be bringing with it some valuable information. (one morning over the last few months, I got up and had Kate Bush’s ‘Cloud Busting’ chorus in my head, ‘Ooooh I just know that something good is gonna’ happen’, then as I was making tea I burst into song singing Frank Sinatra’s ‘I did it Myyyyyyyy way!!’ Not my usual kind of music but I felt so good, as I realised some good stuff was on my way as long as I stayed on track with what I wanted to do. Very cool indeed)

This article has come about from a conversation I had with a friend a few months ago. I expressed how interwoven the varying belief systems of the world are and how humanity can view things so differently when inherently they are very similar. We started to talk about Wicca, Paganisms, and other earth-based belief systems from other cultures and how similar they are to Classical Feng Shui theory and practice. This respect and reverence for the environment is a fundamental of both systems.

Its what got me interested in Feng Shui actually….Feng Shui demonstrates what can be done when environmental study moves beyond the four walls and garden to reach out into the cosmos. Resonance of Universal energy affects us all. Ancient studies of how this universal energy interacts with our planet, our landscapes, the buildings we construct upon it and then how those energies interact with us, IS Feng Shui. These resonances are interpreted as signs, and in most cases traditional Feng Shui is explained as a kind of divination.

I have been studying mythology since I was a teenager, looking into the folklore of my ancestral heritage, Paganism etc. Part of each system was divining knowledge from the immediate environment, so I began to watch my environment for small seemingly ‘insignificant’ signs. Cloud-watching and interpreting symbols made by cloud formations as well as the part of the sky they appeared in, what time of day, and which direction if any they were moving towards, is a kind of divination-therapy. Another kind of environmental divination can be to identify a certain animal you repeatedly see and find out what the symbolism of this particular animal is. Sometimes you’ll be inspired by an animals antics, behaviour or sounds. Even if you are extremely annoyed or irritated by an animal it is worth it to find out why. What is the symbolism within the animal, their sounds and their behaviour….

Symbolism is a big part of your Feng Shui. What you connect with you resonate; and what you resonate, you connect with. This is of the vibration of your Life!

Intuition issues? Try Bach Flowers ‘Cerato’ to help you trust your inner voice.
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