Wednesday 28 January 2009

Building Harmony

Now that it is 2009, and you have hopefully got your resonance sorted out for the year, how are you best going to keep it in the forefront of your Mind, Space and Life Experience through this whole year?

I utilise many different ways of imbuing a space with the resonance I want or need. As the title of this article suggests, it is by layering energy that we can derive the most benefit. Using one kind of Energy Signature is going to be helpful, but using many layers of Energy Signatures to build a resonance really gets a reaction from the environment you are in!

I do stress the immense benefit you can achieve from implementing Energy Signatures into your home to assist you in supporting the energy you interact with.

Energy Signatures are thought forms + a symbol, a sound, a phrase or mantra, a smell, a song or even a tangible object like a flower, plant, crystal or decorative object, to manifest a kind of feeling, a ‘resonance’ in a space be it your Mind, Body, Spirit or Place.

You can use ‘real’ things, or just use a ‘virtual’ implant instead. I love to use virtual symbols as it resonates with the healing energy of Reiki, which also uses virtual symbols to attract and resonate energy. Once started you can add or subtract any signature at will. For example lets take a front door of a family home. In our homes we wish for Peace, Tranquility, Harmony, Health and Abundance among other things of course, but these are the main kind of resonances we want to invite into a family home. Wealth and Prosperity follow good high level Chi, so if we are surrounded by Harmony at home, we will always take that out into the world with us.
Ok so the main emphasis is on Peace and Health. Think of what symbolises Peace and Health as an energy. Peace is quiet, calm, cared for, practical, efficient...Health is clean, tidy, effective, vigorous, flowing…

With these descriptions of energy we can then begin to layer our Energy Signatures at the front door by eliminating anything that may be attracting low level energy. Simply put, remove anything that resonates as the opposite of the descriptions above! Take away ‘busyness’, clutter, dirt, broken things, stored things etc, and begin to layer from a ‘clean slate’ so to speak.

Dust it down, sweep it out, wipe up anything that needs wiping up, and generally use a bit of elbow grease to get it spick and span. For doorways to be inviting they need to allow easy entry and exits, so if you have a few too many potplants, shoes or the welcome mat is looking a little worse for wear, remove or replace with a better alternative. If shoes have to be at the front door, then find a handsome looking wicker basket that is a good size to fit a few pairs of shoes in. Keep a small pot of bi-carb soda here to sprinkle into any shoes that are in need of deodourising. If plants are here they need to be healthy and happy ones, well fed and watered in pots that are attractive too.

This cleaning is setting the foundation of your layering. Secondly you can use symbols like a statue or wall hanging at the front door energy that resonates the Energy Signature of Peace and or Health. This could be peace doves, a Buddha or Kuan Yin, Angels or Fairies, etc. The plants you choose for the front door can also be representative of Peace and Health. The Peace Lilly or Arum Lily is wonderful for attracting high level Chi. Jade Trees are not only symbols of Wealth but also of endurance and accumulation, as their leaves store water and they can survive hardships easily. Holy Basil (Tulsi Rama) is a great plant for the front door Health signature, as this plant can be used as a ‘tonic’ when taken as tea or the leaves eaten, but also it imbues any space with high level Chi, and is used in Temples throughout India for this very reason. Calendula (Marigolds) are wonderful for a sunny spot, while Maiden Hair ferns will provide delicate and quiet energy to a shady doorway.

To top off your layering, consider things like bright or beautiful doormats, a charming bell or doorknock, incense, and virtual symbols. (these are done by drawing a symbol in the air with your hand or holding in your overlayed on the front door)

Inside the house you can also prepare the space for this wonderful Energy Signature to be invited further in with ease by replicating some of the symbols you have used outside. Fresh fragrant flowers do this easily, or an aromatherapy burner can do the same job. Fragrances like Vanilla, Lavender, Rose, Orange and Lime can be invigorating as well as calming.

All combined, the layering of Energy Signatures makes it easy to tap into your resonance each day with ease. With repetition, the symbols you use will effortlessly attract the desired response and invite in Health and Peace very easily.

Using layers of energy in any area will bring in the resonance you want.

A Home Office can be layered with the resonances of Efficiency, Organisation, Wealth Attraction, Goals, Dreams, Hopes etc. Use visionboards, or something that Carole Fogarty is trying this year, a ‘String of Inspiration’ (visit her blog here), to have these resonances in view each day. Repetition of a message strengthens it’s frequency and therefore it resonates ‘louder’ in our life, driving our passions, and organising our endeavours towards a common goal.

A Bedroom will be layered with more Yin attributes using mood calming colours, delicate flowers, considerate lighting, the symbols of calm like sleeping characters in paintings and drawings, a statue of the reclining Buddha etc.

I always use my Reiki symbols for ‘cleansing and energy’ on my mattress every time I change the sheets. You could do the same thing by drawing these words with your hands on your mattress. (perhaps ‘great sleeping’ might be useful at times as well!)

In a Living Room you could do the same by drawing the words ‘Happy and Relax’ on the table or the couch.

Start doing these kinds of things and you’ll find you can’t stop.
Plus its enjoyable, so go ahead, it. ∞

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