Thursday 27 October 2011

Tuning into Love 030 - Holistic Therapies WORK! *for* you

A stressful few days have just passed. My father has been hospitalised after weeks of immobility and underwent surgery last night. The evening before he was in Emergency, and my son was battling a night of a particularly severe hayfever attack. Last night as my thoughts were with my Dad having a double operation, my youngest daughter began to purge...all night. So that's two nights of no sleep.

How am I getting through this?

Firstly I know its because I have good support, and that I know when to stop, take a moment to contemplate, and retrieve a semblance of perspective to re-align and move back to a balance point. Without this 'learned behaviour' I don't think I'd have such clarity right now.

The other things are:
Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy (as often as I could, whenever, wherever)
Calm Me Aromatherapy Blend (on the wrists and temple pulse points....bliss)
Deep Green alkaliser and In-Liven superfood probiotic (stress heavily depletes the body of vital nutrients and an appetite too...these have been my 'food' for the last few days)
Barefoot walking on the grass
Hugging my children and my partner

There's been moments of overwhelm, the tears have flowed and the Mind has traveled to places that aren't pleasant, but I've come back. I trust that we 'know' when things aren't right, and through all of this turmoil I know that I'm doing all the right things, that I am Divinely Loved and that all I need do is ask for assistance and it is given. So I've asked, and thanked, and loved and adored my Divine guides and helpers and all things are working out Perfectly.

My dear ol' Dad a few months ago with my youngest daughter...trustingly asleep in strong arms :)
My son is responding to all the natural remedy treatments we are currently 'doing', and is blissfully sleeping through his immune system strengthening. He'll take a few days to kick this but I know he'll conquer it. My daughter woke up this morning and was bright as a button, temperature gone, and asking for food. In both cases it did not occur to me they would need a doctor, because I know that the care I am attending them with is exactly the kind of care they would experience under 'medical attention'. The key here is focused attention. Trust and Action together ;) yah?

I'm now looking forward to helping my Dad in recovery and rehabilitation from his operation and the weeks he has spent being immobile. This I too trust will work through in Perfect Timing for him and for us too.

Bright Blessings for Beautiful Awareness

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