Monday 3 January 2011

Space Clearing - Preparation

We all know that old saying “out with the old and in with the new!”, and we know how GOOD it feels when we clear out and clean up our homes and/or businesses. Just getting the car into a clean and tidy state can bring about a massive shift in the way you get through your week! Its that energy of sparkly and shiny, clean and tidy that makes us feel ‘accomplished’ and organised and we’ll find it easier to get our tasks done and fulfil our obligations if we can just put our hands onto exactly what we need when we need it.

It’s a simple equation…

Energy Received > Energy Spent = High Level Energy

(if energy received from tasks is more than energy spent doing it, we will find we have energy ‘reserves’)

To begin, do a basic ‘clean up and sort out’, so you can see the floor, and the benchtops too. Organise your ‘clean up’ to take a full week on the last week of the Waning Moon, just before the dark of the moon or New Moon. This is when energy is ‘on the way out’, and our planetary energy frequencies are reducing, so it supports your efforts to move things out of your spaces.

· Do clean the insides of cupboards, pantries and the linen press.

· Do clean curtains and windows last.

· Do clean carpets as they ‘suck in’ a fair bit of residual energy. This can be done simply using a shaking of Bi-carbonate of Soda mixed with a cleansing oil like Lavender, Sage or Frankincense. (1cup of bi-carb : 5 drops of essential oil, use a ’shaker’ to evenly spread the powder over your carpets) Leave the powder on the carpet for a few hours and then vacuum up well. The sparkliness of the energy will amaze you when you do this for the first time, and it is an easy chore to repeat each month. Bi-carb Soda naturally likes to suck up oils and other residues, and is an odour eliminator too!

· Do throw out things you hate, don't use, don't like, are broken, or unrepairable, won't wear or things that hold unhappy memories of an unhelpful kind. Recycle them or donate them. 
 (parts of this are taken from the Annual Influences Guide 2011 available from

This is the 'practical' side of things to do before you embark upon the more energetic task of a Space Clearing...however just doing this practical de-cluttering and cleaning may activate a lot of subconscious associations with the possessions you are choosing to remove, relocate, store or re-use again. Our memories and emotions are intertwined with these things, we've used them in our Life, and they are connected to events, occasions or everyday living, so its only natural that these will bring messages to us for deciphering. Don't go into overwhelm...have a bit of Rescue Remedy or Emergency Essence on hand during this kind of work, and take breaks regularly. I recommend a week or more to do the preparation for a Space Clearing.

This January 4th is New Moon or Dark Moon, when the Earth's energy is at low ebb, and will begin to climb until the 18th when at Full Moon our frequencies are on high. The optimum time for Space Clearing preparation before the start of the Feng Shui New Year on February 4th is between the 20th January and the 2nd February. This then gives you a big window to work with.

Next up: 'Space Clearing Ceremony Guide'

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