Sunday 30 May 2010

Flying Stars Forecast for June

Some truly lovely energy in the Centre Palace this month with the combination called ‘Young Romance’ taking up residence. This combination of influences sees the Trigram for Youngest Daughter, Star 7, meeting the Trigram for Youngest Son, Star 8. These two energies bring together Joy and Stillness. Nice hey…

The good stuff continues to flow on through the West, and NW sectors and a potentially helpful situation in the NE...but it is a bit of a month to beware of potential conflict and brush up on those diplomacy skills,...and deep breathing.

Lets get the potential irritations out of our way first, and that will leave some lovely things to talk about at the end of the forecast ;)

East has the combination that can leave people in Authority positions feeling disillusioned, resentful or just bring one massive ‘headache’ due to too much going on. The 5 Star links up with the Star 6 related to the Head and Lungs, so it is also a situation where illness can creep in for the Authority personalities in a family situation. Hyperventilation and Headaches can be a result of an active Star 5,6 combo, but the remedy is as easy as supporting the Star 6 with a good dose of Metal energy. Use White, Gold, Silver, or iridescent colours (like a dragonfly’s wings) in beautiful curved or globular shapes.

Southeast and the Growth and Wealth sector is potentially a source of tension and fighting. Don’t continue contentious conversations regarding money during June. Allow it to flow away and dissipate. Budgets and restraint are required. Metal 6 with Metal 7 means you’ll need to drain the Metal energy away with Water element. Use Blacks, Dark Blues in wavy and irregular shapes. Throw rugs and curtains are easy ways of imbuing this energy.

In the South Reputation sector there is the potential for arguments and contention. 2, 3 is known as The Fighting Bull Sha (Sha meaning unfavourable, low level energy). Remedy using Metal energy again, and avoid using this area of the building if you can. If it is a main door entry you may need to ‘up the dosage of remedy’ by installing a few different Metal agents. The Salt Water Cure is helpful for Star 2 energy if it is needed.

There is potential conflict in the North Career sector relating to two energies that are very similar fighting over resources. Learn to identify petty behanviour and call upon your Higher Self to gain a mature approach to any issues arising concerning your Career or Life Purpose aspects. Acting in a way that will make you pride yourself on your behaviour when you look back on it, is a excellent way of setting up a fantastic Resonant Effect in this aspect of your Life. Enhance this energy combination with Pale Fire colour and soft shapes like the cherry blossom.

The Relationships sector is going through a phase of change all this year, but during June it is visited by the Passions Star 4. This energy assists with matters of Romance and Academia, promoting focus on what your true loves are. Usually the way to enhance this Star 4 is by using Pale Fire energy, however with the Star 5 in residence, the use of any Fire in the SW this year is not advisable. So instead of the usual ‘cherry blossom’ enhancer for Star 4, use apple blossom. You will still get that beautiful soft and romantic energy, but without the Fire colour. For academic pursuits simply use some essential oils like Peppermint, Spearmint, Basil, Rosemary or Fennel to help you stay focused and improve concentration.

The West has a great combination of inspirational influences with Star 9’s Vivacity & Vigour mixing it up in the Creative sector with Star 1’s Wisdom & Ideas. (Both Angel numbers, Star 1 is the Angel of Sheng Chi, and Star 9 the Angel of Vivacity) Good stuff for anyone with a career that requires a little imaginative thinking. Not just for artists, this vibe can bring in the kind of ‘brainwaves’ that make you stand out! Tweak it with Fire and Water agents, as well as some Wood and Metal to get a beautiful flow of energy going.

The NW is just glowing with potential opportunity this month having the Wealth Star 8 visit the Future Wealth Star 9 in the Progression sector! Be on the lookout to acknowledge help from a mentor, or from a source that you have been looking to for assistance. This energy responds well to Angel representations (both Star 8 and Star 9 are Angel numbers again), or you can use a beautiful Affirmation written down and placed in a prominent place in this area, to invite in more help for your endeavours. Burning sacred oils like Frankincense, Benzoin, Myrrh, Sage, Hyssop, Spikenard, Cedarwood, etc., will also create that Divine frequency allowing more flow between the ethereal realm and your reality.

The NE Contemplation sector receives the wise Star 1 this June. While this is a wonderful energy to reside in the NE to assist with contemplative times and meditations, it will not be assisted by the combination of Star 2 with it. Star 2 needs to be drained using Metal energy, or enhanced with the use of medicinal plants in this area like Tulsi Rama, Rubber Plant, Spider Fern, Boston Fern, or the Madonna (Arum) Lily.

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