Sunday 30 May 2010

Home Spa Salt Rub

Its time to love you.
Winter in Australia is a time of calm and peace, where the extreme Yang nature of our climate here is subdued.
It’s a time when our energy slows down, moves inwards, and in reflection, our environment has the plants looking darker shades of green; and the colours seem to be able to show off without the blinding heat of the Summer months.

There seems to be a contrasting vibrancy to the environment. Its quiet energetically, but visually its louder!
Home Spa Days can be a source of pure and necessary self indulgence, and you can often do a great job at a very low price, yet still get the maximum benefits of using holistic and natural remedies to soothe, nurture and uplift YOU.

There is just way too much ‘out there’ that demands our attention, our submission and our connections, and it rarely gives back for the amount it takes out of us. Acknowledging the need for replenishment without Guilt is a big step towards providing yourself with the support for good health.
Salt scrubs made at home are a fantastically simple and effective way of sloughing off the day, or the week, and renewing your physical, emotional and energetic body. A simple scrub using Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt will provide you with an instant ‘cleanse and clearing’ . Mixing that with a herb like Tulsi Rama, Parsley, Lavender or Chamomile (depending on what you need) is as easy as squishing it all up in a mortar and pestle (or a food processor if you want to) and applying it to wet skin with brisk rubbing motions. It sloughs off dead skin cells, removes negative energy, improves positive ions (good for health) and generally makes you feel ‘clear’.

The Feng Shui of your body is so important to your overall Feng Shui, as it is equivalent to one third of the influence on your Life Experience. Take notice of when you are feeling ‘sapped’, and restore yourself asap! Reinstate that good quality one third of energy so that it resonates into your whole life! J

Home Spa Salt Rub
60g to 80g of Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt (these contain massive amounts of trace elements and minerals essential for good health)
10 to 15 drops of your favourite soothing or calming essential oil, or a handful of your favourite healing herbs
Whizzed in a spice grinder, or ground together in a mortar and pestle till the granules are fine
Use a small teaspoon of the mixture for each major body area
Rub briskly but gently over wet skin until dissolved. Rinse off with warm water. Pat skin dry with a soft cloth.

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