Monday 22 March 2010

Taking the first step to Good Health...because you deserve it ;)

'One Step' by Jannette Tibbs
*taken using my little phone camera at the Ipswich Japanese Gardens

"One cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied in doing wrong in any other department. Life is one indivisible whole." -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)

This quote so aptly describes the kind of thinking one must come to a harmonious relationship with, if one is going to access great health and happiness.

I was only thinking the other day about how so many people I meet who are saying they want to be healthy, lose weight, or become happier, tend to keep on doing the kinds of things in life that make them unwell, overweight and unhappy...doesn't make much sense, but because I also manifest this kind of behaviour at times, I do understand :)

When we start on a course, regime or 'diet' to promote a better life we often come up against the modern issue of 'treating' oneself. 
"For what?" I have asked.
For living in a house? For having access to a car, running water, shelter, security? For having the luxury of buying your food daily from shops all over the place? I mean...honestly!? what are you 'treating' yourself for?

This is where I started when I began to explore just why some of the things I had hoped to begin in life just weren't 'taking on' in my life. Why couldn't I sustain buying only organic produce? It wasn't because its sometimes more expensive, but more that it was what I was wasting my money on that mattered. When I stopped buying lots of the things that weren't good for us, I had all that money to funnel towards things that were good for me.

Next time you say to yourself that its ok if you have that can of fizzy drink, or those pastries, or that bottle of beer, because its a 'treat' and you 'deserve' it...just take a moment and ask yourself 
"Do I deserve to suffer ill health for the rest of my life?".
"Do I deserve to slowly poison myself and my children with toxic synthetic chemicals in my food?"
"Do I deserve to put on so much weight that my life becomes uncomfortable and I can't do the things I want to?"

The answer to those kinds of questions helped me choose the kinds of things I consume, and the kind of life I have now.

Its easy. Its your CHOICE. Eat and drink consciously, and live healthy, or go along with what the mainstream are doing and find yourself in hospital, or dependent on pharmaceuticals....
It really is an easy choice isn't it?

Blessings and Health

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