Wednesday 6 May 2009

Forecast for May

As we feel the energy contract and spiral inwards and downwards in the Southern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere is undergoing a beautiful burst into Springtime energy. Lucky sods….I joke, really, because here in sunny Queensland, Winter is a blessed relief to the oppressive heat of our long, and humid Summer, and most of our plants look glorious in the Wintertime. At least the grass is green in Winter, unlike the golden hues of Summertime ‘stubble’. :)

This May sees the Receptive Star 2 enter the Centre Palace. As the 2 Star is an Earth energy, it will weaken the 9 Fire Star, making for an interesting Health month. I would strongly recommend fortifying your metabolism and your immune system using the stronger herbs like Thyme, Garlic and Rosemary in long cooked root vegetable casseroles, or baked dishes. This can greatly assist the body by warming the Chi and generating good flow around the body of essential nutrients. Get out and do some vigorous and fun exercise to get the blood moving too! Star 2 is associated with the Digestive tract, so make sure you keep an awareness towards what you are consuming. Receptivity is the energy of Star 2, so also observe other forms of consumption, like entertainment, and personal company. Bring all energy intake up to a great and beneficial energy level and enjoy good health this Winter.

The Wealth Star 8 in the SE is visited by the Wise Star 1 which will compel the Wealth star in to action. Beware of chasing too many opportunities and give yourself space to consider your motivations and actions with care.

Authority Star 6 visits the Reputation South and the Passionate Star 4. This can sometimes lead to situations of insubordination, or uncomfortable power plays. Diplomacy is the best course when this combination arises.

In the West, the potential help from the Academic and Romantic Star 4 during May could alleviate any problems that have been caused by the receptivity of the Annual Star 2 here. Receptiveness can help with understanding Creativity of the West sector, but expressive energies are more helpful. Star 4 is all about Human Passion, and what drives it, so this aides the general feeling of this sector. Watch out for displays of childish behaviour though, as the Star 4 is also called The Clever and Indecent Imp!

Competition and Conflict arrive in the NW to weaken the Wisdom Star 1. Weaken with pale Fire element representations in Shape and Colour.

Ugh, 7,5 in the North sector as Career issues may take a lot of diplomacy and tact because of the gossipy Star 7 misbehaving with that pushy Star 5. Use lots of Metal and Water to remedy, and the most excellent remedy of all is the Wealth Bringer Bowl. One metal coloured or metal material bowl, filled with clean water every few days, placed outside in the North sector for 2009.

Ugh again the NE with that very problematic 5,3 combination that can have the potential to cause all kinds of contractual issues. Dot all I’s and cross all t’s, check things twice and thrice get the idea. Use Metal here this month to weaken that Star 5. Always weaken a Star 5 when it is with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 9.

East sees the potential for lots of chat and socialising this month with Family members. The Vivacious Star 9 full of Beauty, Warmth and Clarity visits that chatty Star 7, which loves to talk metaphysics, as this is a subject that ‘skims the surface’ but has ‘hidden depths’. Tarot anybody?

Look on a floorplan of your house to identify busy areas. These are the ones most likely to be activated by Monthly and Annual Influences. Eg: Main Entry doors, garage entry doors, busy rooms like home offices etc, and don’t forget to check what you will be sleeping on! 6—8 hours exposure to an influence is a fair bit of exposure...

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