Tuesday 13 July 2010

You're not hungry,...you're malnourished!

Food now is so low in natural nutrients that we have an epidemic of malnutrition. That means we are not receiving the necessary minerals, vitamins and trace elements necessary for basic health.

If you take a look at the average dietary intake of an adult it is shockingly poor in raw and unprocessed, high quality fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately the era of 'convenient foods' has come and its brought with it a host of side effects, similar to the problem we see with pharmaceutical medicines.

Society just can't seem to get enough of pizza, pasta, biscuits, breads, 'energy snack bars', cereal for breakfast, and 'fast food' like burgers, chips etc that are laden with bad fats and sugars as well as synthetic salt. The saddest thing is that this generation and the last, and the one before that, has been brought up to believe that these things are 'food' when in fact they are 'filler', just like chaff that livestock are fed to fatten them up. We aren't hungry, we don't NEED breakfast lunch and dinner to be such enormous undertakings and in such huge servings, its absurd. WE aren't doing 10 to 14 hr heavy labour days, tilling fields and tending to livestock....most of us work behind a counter or a computer! But the programming is there, and the more sedentary lives we lead the worse off we become using the kind of diet intake that our ancestors used. We aren't living and existence even close to what they were, so our need to change is imperative for our own health.

It takes a giant mind-bend to get past 20 or 30 years (or more) of programming, to realise that real food is fresh, its unprocessed and it doesn't necessarily need to be cooked. Changing your dietary intake by just 25% to raw and unprocessed high quality fruit and vegetables will increase your ability to not only burn fat, but also to throw off small infections like the common cold and flu! Many people find that allergies simply disappear, aches in the joints and pain dissolve within a few days, and syndromes vanish with the change in diet. My personal experience is that several long term (20years +) health issues were healed by introducing fresh food and probiotics, and the removal of toxic food.

Processed sugars, grains and fats are not foods. But they fill you up a little for a time, and turn off the 'hungry' switch in the brain. Yet only an hour or so later you're ready for morning tea or a snack. Why is this? It's because you haven't actually got the nutrition you require from those foods. Its as simple as that...you are malnourishing yourself with heaps of food. Odd, isn't it?

Being healthy isn't about 'finding the substitute' for what you are eating now. It is the REMOVAL of what is harmful in your diet now and INTRODUCING nourishing foods. This introduction can be done gradually which is good for you and your body too.

What to REMOVE:
White Flour products
Processed Grain products (breakfast cereals)
Factory farmed meat of all kinds (use wild caught game if you cannot do without meat)
Processed and packaged foods with additives and preservatives
Processed Sugar and products (sweets, lollies, etc)
Fried fats and oils
Dairy Milk products

Fresh fruit and vegetables (from your local area if possible)
Fresh herbs (from your own garden or pot garden if possible)
Raw Honey and Dried Fruits (use dried fruits without sulphur and preservatives of course)
Nuts and nut milks
High Protein grains (Amaranth, Quinoa etc)
Probiotics (as drinks or cultured vegetables & fruits)
Good hydration from clean, pure water

I have personally introduced all of these measures over the last 3 years, and find that whenever I do eat any of the 'REMOVE' list I suffer with headaches, or have an emotional 'blow out' similar to what I always thought was 'normal'. Now I know its a reaction to my dietary intake, and its enormously obvious! Good health is so easy, but it takes commitment, and it takes time. However 'inconvenient' we may feel these changes might be, it is a lot more inconvenient to deal with illhealth and medications, intervention and surgery for ailments and diseases that are a direct result of taking in toxic food.

We can't help living in a world that is toxic, but we CAN help ourselves to remove as much toxin from our bodies as we can.

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