Saturday 12 December 2009

Your Feng Shui depends upon the choices you make...

I have heard from some that their Feng Shui didn’t ‘work’ because something bad happened to them even though they did all the ‘right’ things according to Feng Shui rules. This kind of comment about Feng Shui is due to what is written and reported about Feng Shui in the mass media. Unfortunately, a lot of the information about this study is delivered in that fear-laden mixture of superstition and threat that ‘if you don’t do it this way you’ll get bad luck’. That sort of information is low level and would be considered a ‘Sha’ (low level form of energy). The classic form of this study is derived from the same place we get Chinese Medicine from...The I-Ching, or Book of Changes. 3000 odd years old, this text described the interaction of energy from the Five Agents, or elements, and how to use the observation of these in conjunction with our planet’s natural rhythms, to promote harmony and prosperity.
Getting the ‘right’ information it seems is a endemic problem in modern day life.
Today we seem to be bombarded by media of many kinds, and in all kinds of ways we are being exposed to information, and then processing this in a semi-conscious state. We are being elicited to ’improve’ our chances of good health, happiness, and prosperity by conforming to society’s standards of everything from how we appear, what we eat, how we smell, our self-worth, our children’s well-being, even down to the intimate level of our own immune system function! Have we lost touch with what it means to Be Here Now and live in a harmonious way with our environment?

Health and lifestyle choices should be made after conscientious assessment of your current lifestyle, practices and environment. It should be a Holistic assessment, that includes your premises, aspects of your body, your mind and your other connections that bring you into contact with ‘the planet’. Classic ‘Feng Shui’ is not just about your house, or the building you’re having assessed. It was never intended to be used as just ‘the art of placement’, but rather as a guideline to living in Harmony with the natural cycles of the seasons and our environment. Truly Holistic.

What you consume is your Choice...well isn’t it?
If you have been listening to the mass media hype of late, you cannot help but have heard the vaccination ‘government issue’ statements on tv and radio. I personally feel very squeamish when I hear the soft spoken dramatic voice on these ads. It reeks of propaganda and fear control methods. While I will agree that getting Swine Flu is scary, I also see that making us feel helpless does nothing for our personal sense of security and therefore our enjoyment of Life itself. The Feng Shui of our Mind and Body is disrupted by information like this, insidiously handed out via the car radio while we’re on the way to work, or coming home; on the tv, during the news, or as a government broadcast announcement for our ‘benefit’ during programs at prime time...Are they telling us the truth? Or getting us to line up like lambs to the slaughter...

The truth? Well the truth is you’re not helpless, you are equipped with a marvellous immune system and a body that wants to use it and keep you well. The place we live in can be improved to support our health and the function of our immune system. When we actually tap into the vast resources of our miraculous self healing abilities we see that life opens up pathways we had never noticed before.

How do you unlock these vast self healing resources within?

Simple. Its about choosing what you fuel yourself with. (and I don’t just mean your physical body) Choice. That’s what it comes down to. Choosing a healthy lifestyle, over a comparative ‘non-existence’. Choosing fresh food over processed or canned. Choosing certified organic, over ‘run of the mill’ produced food and products. Choosing to be pro-active, over ‘throwing your towel in’ and accepting ill-health. Choosing to be informed, instead of believing mass produced media hype! Choose what you fill your Life with. Choosing, very carefully, what you fuel your Mind and Spirit with is a crucial step towards great health and an inspirational Life Experience.

This step seems to be quite lost in the fast paced modern life we lead. For example, I went to a shopping centre recently where the food court had a 360˚screen with adds on it for immunisation, breast cancer awareness week fund raising, medication (over the counter as well as prescription), teeth whitening procedures and cosmetic surgery. Is this really the way we need to receive this kind of potentially harming and important information? In a daze, most of the people there were chomping on down on fast food and glaring bleary eyed at this huge screen spewing out catch phrase after marketing ‘speal’. Talk about ‘subliminal intake’! This isn’t the way to obtain information about health choices…

Being a conscious consumer is part and parcel of making ‘Your Feng Shui’ as clear and as high quality as possible. And a lot of what we ‘consume’ we do not actively pay for in monetary terms right now, but we may end up paying a hefty price in terms of harmony and good health at a later date.

If you’d like to find out more about natural ways of supporting, boosting or repairing your immune system, and encouraging harmony in your life (mind, body, spirit and home) please have a look at the website for details on all the different types of consultations from JTHTC.

If you want to know more about the flu vaccine currently being touted by the government, you can visit somewhere like the AVN (Australian Vaccination Network) or a reference website like Natural News to get unbiased, well researched and informative articles, and answers to questions that need to be asked.

Jannette is a Senior Holistic Feng Shui Practitioner, specialising in Flying Stars Feng Shui, Natural and Alternative Health Solutions and various healing treatments to soothe and uplift the Home, (and workplace) Mind, Body & Spirit. She is available via phone and email for Feng Shui Assessments, Bach Flower Remedy Discoveries, and Tutoring.

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