Sunday 6 December 2009

“Seasons Greetings! Wanna buy some chemicals?” What’s really in those pretty bottles you’ll be giving your loved ones this festive season?...

We’ve all noticed the decorations and the displays in the department stores, gearing up for the silly season of gift giving mania, ‘excess to impress’ and a general fever pitch of consumerism. Amongst all of the ‘feel good’ vibes we receive from giving gifts, I ask you to take a look at the types of gifts you’re likely to be giving, and consider whether you are actually giving someone a gift or something completely different.

I remember hoping to receive the latest perfume, or my favourite cosmetics for Christmas or my Birthday, or some other significant event. Now that I know what they are made from I am hope that no-one gives me anything like that!

Today’s personal care products are laden with synthetic chemical. According to the latest information through ONEGroup from Melissa Bryer of Care2Green Living, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) reports that “fragrances are responsible for 30% of all allergic reactions”, yet fragrance is one thing that can be left as just that word on the label of any ingredients listing (follow this link to find out what common ingredients are toxic). So you never can tell what’s in a product with just the word ‘fragrance’ on it. Unfortunately, most fragrances in mainstream product are derived from coal-tar. Sort of makes you look at the $90+ bottle of green or pink liquid kinda differently hey? (even if it is supposed to make you irresistible and alluring)

Choosing products that have completely naked labelling is important not only as a consumer paying for something, but also as a consumer using these products on your skin, or your children’s skin….or giving them to your friends for them to use. Would you give them something that flatly stated, ‘derived from petroleum based product’ on the label? Nup, didn’t think so...So why is it ok for these to be tarted up, coloured and sold as top quality products? Simply because the cosmetics industry is nowhere near as regulated as it should be, or as we would assume it is already.

This festive season choose your gifts by being an informed consumer, with love and attention. Choose things that are completely natural, organic if possible, and with packaging that is easily recyclable or ‘up-cyclable’ (eg: re-useable) Even some of the packaging that personal care products come in is potentially problematic with the research into plastic toxicity, and in particular, ‘phthalates’. The more volatile the liquid contained in plastic containers the more likely it is that the toxins from the plastics are leached into those liquids, which are then applied directly to the skin. Scary huh? Well in high enough doses, yes. And consider how many personal care products you have right now in the house that are in plastic containers...its not just one or two is it…more than likely it is over half. This is the burden of toxic chemical accumulation. And it is endemic in our hygiene conscious society.

The range of Aromatherapy Dilutions from JTHTC are completely naked naturals, come in recyclable glass bottles, and can be used in a variety of applications, making them versatile and good value for money, while maintaining an intention to provide safe personal care consumables. Each aromatherapy blend is available to purchase in a gift set with atomiser bottle (50ml).

Miessence have also launched a indulgent range of certified organic botanical perfumes that are an absolute breakthrough for the mass produced personal fragrance industry. Each month Miessence has a Special as well, so you can pop on and have a look at what you could save money on, and perhaps grab a gift for someone too.

This year, give a gift that says ‘I care for you’ by making sure it is safe and responsible choice for the recipient and safe for our planet too.

Happy Hanukkah, Peaceful Solstice, Merry Christmas, and lets all be here next year with a little less toxic burden eh?

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