Tuesday 29 December 2015

Space Clear for the New Year! and a sneak peek at the Feng Shui of 2016

I'm writing up the very last parts of interpretation for the 2016 Monthly Forecasts over the next couple of days ... here's a snippet from the 'Annual Influences Guide Sector Forecast' for the Centre Palace (or the very central area of your home or business building)...

"Centre ~ The Pure Potential offered by the Earth Star 5 has been calmed by the Period Star 8 bringing a sense of ‘pause & reflect’ to all our lifestyle choices. It has opened up a feeling that life might be better lived at a slower pace in general, and our growing awareness of ‘busyness’ in daily life that sucks away contentment, appreciation and gratitude. In 2016 the Earth Star 2; Mother symbology, the energy of nurturing, connections and relationships; is a harmonious link in this triple Earth Star combination. Very grounding. Very stabilizing, and for those who are in flux it will serve as a portal to Health and Harmony objectives. It has the ability, if tapped into, to transform a scattered life into something that is stable, responsible and calm. With the tremendous upheaval we see in many parts of the world, we can take every action to make our homes into havens, our businesses into vehicles for change, and our Life Experience one of real gratitude for the opportunities that present.

In Flying Stars, the combination of an 8 Star and a 2 Star is interpreted as being good for property or land. It can present opportunities that may consolidate real estate investments, or have stabilizing effects upon real estate matters. Conversely, it can put things into a ‘holding pattern’ as the energy of Star 8 slows things down naturally. Regardless of your personal real estate situation, it is a year to put energy towards beautifying, cleansing and enjoying the landscape that your home and business dwells in. This is where rich rewards come from.

Because we have the underlying energy influence of Star 8 within this combination we are able to utilize supportive Elemental Balancing and give this energy some true ‘gravity’. Add a large statue, or sculpture that is either tangibly heavy and rock-like. If it is cubic or rectangular and in the colours of ochre-yellow to soil brown it will also be elementally supportive. However, no running water, and if ill-health is a recurring issue during February, (particularly take notice of digestive issues) place a Salt Water Cure or other Metal Remedy into this central area of the building. Clear away anything unsightly or neglected and repair anything in this area that is damaged or broken."

Feng Shui New Year is not until the beginning of February 2016 so you have more than a month to prepare your spaces! After this powerful Full Moon just gone, it is a PERFECT time to reboot your living and working spaces with a physical clean out and clean up, cleansing ceremony and invitation for all good things to come your way.

Happy Feng Shui-ing everyone!
Jannette :)

#spaceclearforthenewyear #cleansepurifybless #loveyourhome #prosperityspells #AIG2016 #fengshui2016 #flyingstars2016

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