Saturday 16 April 2011

Tuning into Love 027 - 11 Seconds of Silence

Our lives seem to be getting busier and busier. How do we make time for our Self? You know, that person who lives within you, supporting all your conscious thoughts, waiting for dreamtime so they can come out and play?

What about giving that person a little respect and assistance to help YOU out during the rush and pull of everyday life? :)

11 seconds of silence is something I've been tuning into regularly to avoid the slope downwards into distress, frustration or 'losing it'. Its simple.

Move away from what you are doing.
It could be the computer. It might be looking after children or someone you care for. It might be getting angry at an inanimate object for not working properly (I do this with kitchen utensils all the time...sad, but true) or at a telemarketer who repeatedly won't take the hint and stop talking....whatever it is, leave it alone, put it down, wait until you can move away peacefully, whatever....just get to your own space.

Begin with a breath in. Release. Again. Release.

In your Mind visualise the numeral 1. Allow it to glow, give it blossoms, or lights, or symbols. Enjoy what you see behind your eyes.
Move to the numeral 2, and give it the same treatment.
Again, on to the numeral 3, and so on. Go all the way to 11 and stop.
Breath again. And Release. Breathe Again. And Release.

How does that feel now... :) ?

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