Tuesday 7 April 2009

Flying Stars for April

Another month with the Clarity and Beauty Annual Star 9 in the Centre being nourished but this time by the Competitive Star 3. Star 3 can be very helpful for any business, but is not always wanted in the family home, however, seeing as the energy of the Star 3 is Wood it will be very well consumed by the Annual Star 9 Fire this month. The Energy Signature of a combination like this leads one to think of a genius at work. All of the competitiveness is thrown into one avenue to gain utter clarity and create beauty in the eye of the beholder. Boost with bamboo, leafy plants or gorgeous representations of Fire energy. (Reds, pointy & explosive shapes)

The Annual Wealth Star in the SE is moved towards potential property with the visitation of the monthly Star 2, which is associated with Earth and receiving. Keep up the Wealth associations in this area and bring direct focus to desires associated with property. Ooooh yeah, a vision board may be the very thing...or a ‘String of Inspiration’...

The South sees some potential gossip surrounding our Reputations as Star 7 brings the energy of shallow speech. In a combination with the passionate Star 4, Star 7 can bring a very childish and impish quality to events. Sometimes it can bring a lot of ‘fun’ vibes, so my advice is to enjoy a ‘light’ attitude to any gossip directed at you during April, and giggle at it rather than take it at all seriously. To weaken a Star 7 use the elemental representation of Water energy in Shape and Colour. Black, Dark Blue and wavy shapes.

9,6 in the SW relationships brings a beautiful pairing of Angel influences. Beauty, Warmth an Clarity combined with the Angel of Gallantry may bring assistance with any relationship issues and resolve problems in a gentle and healing way. I feel that the Angel of Vivacity and Vigour Star 9 will respond to the softening energy from candlelight. Use this in the bedroom with aromatherapy burners, or soft muted tealight holders to add that ambience of quietude. If the SW is an ‘active’ area in your house you can still use the candlelight effect to gain a special ‘twinkliness’ (yes, I know its not a real word) to attract the angel energy.

There may be a bit of a problematic time in the Creative sector of the West during April with the 5,2 combo rearing its tiresome head. It can lead to ‘writer’s block’, feeling uninspired if you are a usually creative person, or having projects stall due to lack of ideas. This is remedied with the Sound of Metal best, so out with the piano music/chimes or you may be able to beef up the Gold, Silver and White décor of this area as well. Round and Globular objects will also instil the energy of Metal to distract and weaken the Earth energies of 5 & 2.

The Helpful People sector of the NW gets a jab of passionate inspiration with the arrival of the Star 4 Wood (Academia and Romance) to be boosted by the Annual Star 1 Water (Wisdom, Ideas, Expression, Danger). This combination can lead to the general opposite of the current West combo, so if you need to move a work area for the month then this is your place to shift towards.

The North Career sector has some welcome relief during April with the Star 8 flying in to make the Star 5 behave. This should see a relaxing of any tension or problematic issues surrounding Career or Life Purpose aspects, yet I will still suggest leaving the Sound of Metal remedies or other Metal remedies in place.

The Angel of Gallantry, the authoritative Star 6 flies into the contemplative NE this month, which will allow some respite from any over competitiveness that the Annual Star 3 has been responsible for. You may keep your Fire agent representations in the area, but to assist the Metal Star 6 you can support with representations of Metal and/or Earth too.

The 1,7 combination in the East of Family and Health can indicate issues with the Ears, Kidneys and Blood, and the Star 7 associations with the Mouth, and Chest may the warning against the ‘change of season’ ills we sometimes see. Often viruses can enter via the ears, nose and throat to bring what is commonly known as ‘chills in the bladder’ but that stem from infection overload of the kidneys. This in turn affects the quality of our blood and may bring greater illhealth. So! In the Southern Hemisphere we enter the cooler months, Autumn has already graced us, so we need to start to warm our systems with longer cooked foods, nuts and root vegetables, along with strengthening ginger, chilli and garlic. In the Northern Hemisphere, the warmer weather is on its way so you need to be thinning your food to more sweet green shoots and leafy veges. Fresh is the name of the game here, so try to eat a few ‘uncooked’ or quick cooked meals each week throughout warm weather.

Otherwise, the Annual Star 1 brings new wisdom, or more importantly, perspectives, to Health and Family situations. Take a moment to reflect on any current problems you are facing and achieve a new avenue of thought regarding them. This is the main Energy Signature™ of the East.

For any of these forecast observations, consider which area of your building receives the most energy via Humans, Activity/Purpose etc, and make changes based on which areas are likely to be most activated.

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