Saturday 3 May 2014

5 Steps to Streamline your Life Experience

States of Being arrive because of the energy layers we construct and interact with on a daily basis.

When we put effort and energy towards our health it improves, and that has a knock on effect into our living spaces. We are creatures of comfort for sure, be we are also creatures that naturally 'do' streamlining, getting rid of excess stuff because we enjoy it when life flows more smoothly. Today, probably more than ever in our human history, we are asked to carry stress loads that far outweigh our weekly opportunities for relaxation. So what can we do on a daily basis to incorporate more 'relaxing' into our lifestyle, and therefore into our Life Experience? What will 'streamlining' achieve for you and what can you do to get started?

I've written up five logical steps for manifesting a life that is aligned with your desires and needs.

1. Relax your insides (or your outside...this step is interchangeable with step 2)

We all know that 'we are what we eat', and more so now we are aware of Hippocrates famous words "Let food by thy medicine". If good health would make life easier, then are we taking notice of what we consume to promote better health? Today's food and water is contaminated by conventional agriculture chemicals and municipal water processing, so we are under pressure to detoxify even if we 'think' we are getting clean food and water. A simple first step is to look in your pantry and fridge to identify foods with toxic ingredients ... by this I mean an abundance of preservatives, additives, colours, synthetic fragrances and flavours...that kind of thing. A good rule of thumb is, 'if you can't understand the label then what the heck are you doing eating the stuff in the packet!??'.

So, first step for cleaning up your dietary intake is - reduce packaged food consumption. If you sit down to a pre-packaged meal more than twice a week you need to think about quick and pleasing meals you can do 'from scratch'. And that includes bought restaurant dishes. You'd be amazed at the packaged goods most restaurants use as 'freshly prepared meals'.
Eat fresh'er' each day and see/feel/live the difference.

Reduce your stimulants intake...yep, sugar, caffiene drinks are not real energy. You'll get more energy from a glass of 'Deep Green' because it goes directly to your bloodstream and will help ferry around oxygen ... making you feel more energetic and bright! Add apple juice, pear juice or some other freshly squeezed real juice to your day in place of a coffee or black tea. Maybe you can start out small with just replacing one stimulant drink for a clean water or juice? Sure you can...

Water. This is a big issue for me. I made a choice to drink spring water instead of tap water years ago while going through a healing crisis. Now I choose to drink filtered water and spring water too. Taking the step to detoxify through several years of just drinking spring water made a big difference in my health and well-being. Spring water levitates through layers of earth to bubble up at a spring...its magical stuff, and you can feel that quality in it after a while. And hey, who doesn't need a little more magic in their life?? A healthy water intake is a healing tool all in itself, helping your body to do natural detoxing without any 'gimmicks'.

Portion control is also key. Eat enough to feel nourished, not bloated or 'stuffed'. As we age we need less food, and certainly less heavy food like carbs, nuts, cheeses and meats. Eat lean and fresh, be lean and fresh ;)

"I love eating foods that are fresh and nourishing for my whole being"

2.  Relax your outside

Our living spaces directly affect our emotional and mental health, so for this reason it is beneficial to take a keen eye over your living space. What does it tell you if the 'landscape' of your home is a story? Overwhelm, immense calm, happy family, or trash heap? This is an important step, and maybe you'll need an honest friend to come on over and tell you exactly 'how it is'. We can be blinded by our familiarity with our living spaces, not seeing the grime or the mess or the clutter.
Remove things that don't belong in that particular space, eg: exercise bikes in bedrooms or lounges, a wall of toys in a loungeroom or home office, household storage in a bedroom or kitchen/dining...that sort of thing. Each space can be assigned a Purpose and Function, then all you need to do is figure out what doesn't align with that purpose or function and remove it. You will be shocked by how much 'stuff' you move out of a room once you get on target with this one.
The purpose of it is to give you a lot less 'visual noise'...also known as 'clutter'. Once you have organised what needs to leave your rooms and perhaps your home, you will find the whole house relaxes, and so will you. (mainly I find this exercise wonderful for knowing 'where things are')
There are certain spaces in every home that you can relax that won't take long, and will make an impact immediately.
- Bedside table
- Vanity bench (bathroom stand)
- 'The Kitchen Drawer' (every home has one of these... and its usually referred to as 'the junk drawer')
- Loungeroom bookcase or cabinet
- The Kitchen workbench (usually a place where far too many things are left out instead of being put away)
- Front door entrance area, inside and out. This is referred to as 'The Mouth of Chi' and is your invitation to the universe to bring you resonant energy into your what message is your front door area giving?)

15 minutes a day is all each space might need. So can you carve out 15 minutes each day this week? Easy.
And of's where you learn that natural cleaning solutions are better for you and your home...

"I love my home and it nourishes my spirit"

3.  Invite Wealth & Abundance

This step is important. You've made changes, you've done some now it's time to really contemplate your future Life Experiences and what they will be. Where do you want to 'be' in a few weeks or months?  Keep a journal for a little while and use it each day or each week to identify what it is that you want to achieve. Some of us want great health or to overcome a health issue. Others might want to attract a special friend or just more friendships. Is it financial ease and abundance you desire/need? Perhaps success and prosperity with a new venture you want to undertake. Get thinking and get writing.
Find your Purpose and get crystal with your intentions for the future.
Planning is everything and this is your time to put your heart's desires down on paper (or canvas or a file or a cork pin board, etc.)
Writing up simple sentences like "I make time to spend with my good friends and family easily", "I find simple solutions to any perceived obstacles I have", "I am now feeling better than I have in years!" and then move on to writing up your plans to achieve these outcomes.

  • If you need to spend more time with family then do up a weekly timetable to show yourself exactly where your time is being spent.
  • If you need to get finances improved write up a budget and find out exactly where your money is being used.
  • If you need to target a health outcome write up a weekly diet to follow that includes all of the things you'll need personally to achieve your goal.

"I now welcome Love, Happiness, Great Health and Peaceful Prosperity into my Life Experience"

4.  Action

So now the time comes to 'do'. This is where your preparation is going to come together with your plans. Magic is about to roll up your sleeves and smile!
I see that this is often a pre-empted step. Too many setbacks are due to lack of is key to manifesting a desired outcome. If you were planning to overcome a health issue but hadn't changed your diet or lifestyle, then your manifestation will have trouble occurring. If you are launching a new business but have done no important financial and logistical planning, your venture is possibly doomed to fail.
You get it?
Action comes from purposeful plans aligned with your main intention.
Action is putting into place the knowledge you have to elicit your desired outcomes.
If you haven't figured out a 'do' list, NOW is the time to get to it done.

"My plans for the future are perfectly aligned with my true Life Purpose"

5.  Expressing Gratitude

As the energy for your new Life Experiences gathered while you were inviting and actioning, the manifestations will occur gradually. Let's face it, you probably took years to get into the lifestyle you were in, so it makes sense that sometimes getting a new lifestyle may be achieved over a longer period of time.

As each event occurs, you can be grateful for the changes, no matter how small. Express gratitude for the steps you've taken, the awareness you now have, the experiences you are having each day whether you can categorise them as 'good' or 'bad'...its all in the perspective. Have you heard of a 'healing crisis'? This is when one part of our Life Experience is in major transition...physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.  Some 'bad' experiences teach us so much in such a short space of time. It's hard to imagine why we need to have unhappy occurrences, but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So if I cry tears of sadness or grief I say a silent thankyou for the ability to feel so deeply and to have cared for something or someone as much as I did. I know it is a gift.

As beautiful synchronicity increases, you will be able to see-feel-know that your plans are manifesting into your reality NOW.  This can often be the boost you need, and do be aware of the 'ah-ha' moments increasing to the point that you become almost nonchalant about it ;) People you meet will seem uncannily 'familiar' to you, like you've known them before. These people are usually the ones you might need to spend time speaking with or learning from. Once you begin the alignment of your life to your true love or Life Purpose, the world works for you to achieve your desires. Keep on the look out, be aware, and offer thanks often.

"I am supremely grateful to be experiencing all levels of emotion and perfect connections"

I leave you with a blessing.
"I wish for you easy pathways to new beginnings. I wish for you silent moments of divine reflections. I wish for you happiness, health, prosperity and success in all you do.
Namaste Beautiful People"


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