Thursday 29 November 2007

Natural Alternatives - Detoxify your body, mind and spirit this holiday season with 3 Easy Steps

Detoxify your body, mind and spirit this holiday season.

How? And Why?

Over the next month or two, most people will be celebrating one kind of ceremonial gathering or another, and at each one the symbolic feast will be had. During the festivities there are usually lots of store bought products being consumed that contain preservatives, colours, flavours and enhancers, all geared to make them last longer and appeal to us because of their ‘bright and shiny’ appearances. And of course you don’t want to be a lump of mud and bring down any event by not eating or drinking anything.

Q: What’s the alternative?

A: Ongoing and natural detoxification during the whole season, starting December 1st and finishing 31st January. Two months of taking care of yourself and removing build up gradually, subtly and without any distress on the body.

Number One: simply detoxify your physical body by drinking large amounts of pure, filtered Water.
After each ‘outing’ or event, you can literally flush your system using a few valuable and easy ways. Water is by far the easiest, but you may also‘choose to juice’, using celery, ginger, carrot, beetroot, apples and pears.
There are also some great liver remedies like taking a warm glass of water each morning with either a squeeze of lemon and honey, or apple cider vinegar and honey. Use sparingly at first if you think you have a clogged liver and kidney system, as this is quite a potent remedy if taken in strong doses. You can build up your dose gradually from about 5ml of lemon or acv to 20ml over the two months. The benefits are enormous for your physiology and metabolism, but also you will feel like you have more energy, and your breath will be nicer too!
See more here at

After social engagements, or before, we can tend to suffer from an ‘information overload’ due to meeting lots of people we haven’t seen for a while, or really, just being confronted with that much conversation in the space of a few weeks. It is somewhat out of the ordinary for most of us to attend a large social gathering a few times a week (unless you’re a politician). Giving yourself up to an hour each day to detoxify your mind from an information overload is a wonderful gift.

Number Two: cleansing the mind.
Take time out at any time that suits you. Maybe you won’t get to do this until before bedtime, but if you can, doing a sunset session is very beneficial. Turn off your phone, the TV, the radio, the stereo (whatever), and find a place that is as quiet as possible. Use your backyard, balcony, bedroom, the local park, or even your car, to just ‘switch off’ all other external stimuli. Sit and breathe and keep your focus on your breath. Slow your breath down. Breathe deeply for a while, and then get a relaxed rhythm going. Allow thoughts to pop in and out again. Say a conscious ‘hello’ to each thought as it presents itself, and then say a conscious ‘goodbye’ to it as well. Repeat a word like ‘Peace’, or 'Calm', very slowly, or visualise a peaceful scene in your mind. Imagine a cool, clear pond somewhere beautiful that you can bathe in languidly for your ‘downtime’.

Number Three: nourish the spirit.
Ah the forgotten warrior...battling on with often very little keeping it going. It is because of spiritual neglect that we hear the phrase ‘I feel I have nothing left’ from people who have been ‘busy in life’. Our spirit nourishes us just as food nourishes us, and it is as important to keep it ‘topped up’ as it is to have enough fuel put in your car. Identifying your spiritual food is as easy as identifying what inspires you easily.
A walk in the wilderness or hiking.
Gardening or planting herbs and veges.
Painting, drawing, or any kind of craft.
Cooking and organising family events.
Reading a fantastic book, or writing a fantastic book.
Playing with children.
Cloud watching.
Pampering your body with a home spa.
Meditation, healing, prayer, chant or ceremony.
Each of these can provide a link to your spiritual food, and will renew your appreciation for your environment, and how you are interacting with your Life Experience in the most beneficial way possible.

These three steps will hopefully become part of your natural regime and by the end of January you may feel that ‘this is always the way I have been’, which would be supremely wonderful. The benefits of cleansing and nourishing are obvious, but you may find that the clarity of mind and body enables you to live a vastly improved and more fulfilling Life Experience.

So get out there and enjoy the season by all means! Take part and socialise but you can keep your energy levels up by taking care of each aspect of YOU. Body, mind and spirit. Everything is connected.

Jannette operates her own consultancy, Jannette Tibbs Holistic Therapy Connections, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. She is dedicated to observing and practicing commonsense approaches to good health, in all aspects, and is a passionate advocate of subtle therapies. Her consultancy offers Classical Feng Shui, Reiki Healing, Flower Essences, Meditation Discoveries and some products that effortlessly lift the vibrational energy of any space.
Contact: or visit the temporary

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