Thursday 24 June 2010

'The Art of Being Grateful'

As a practitioner of Flying Stars Feng Shui, I am often asked for the explanation of 'what is it that I do for a living', and I used to explain "Feng Shui" with that mainstream phrase,"its the art of Placement".
It didn't ring true, because I did not feel it gave a clear picture of what Feng Shui IS...or can be. As for The Art of Being Grateful, I feel this is a better connection to what Feng Shui can assist us with in this Life we have Now.

"Thankyou" encompasses all the things we can see and feel, think of and imagine, that we have a connection to and feel a response from. It may just be a feeling, a memory perhaps; but it is a 'thing', just like a thought. Not able to be seen with the eyes we have, but rather felt with the Heart, or Heart-Mind.

The Art of Being Grateful starts with the connection to one thing that makes a difference. From there the practice of "Thankyou" becomes like a rolling snowball, gathering and accumulating at a rapid pace.

To explore this, take a moment to look around your bedroom. Is there something there you love and feel connected to? Just perhaps the linen you use, or the bedside table you chose....the book you have on the dressing table, or your jewellery box you received as a gift. One small area can be used to connect to the practice of "Thankyou", and in doing so you find that The Art of Being Grateful is truly effortless.

Take that feeling of gratitude into the next space you move to, into the next timeframe you find yourself in, the next situation. Apply The Art of Being Grateful to both Time, Space and Action, and you will discover Life begins to manifest so much to be thankful for.

I wish you all the best in your discovery of the practice of "Thankyou", and hope your Feng Shui improves because of it too! :)

Many Blessings

Energy Boosting Tips for you NOW

Are you the kind of person who would like or need more energy?
Aren't we all?!
Even if you are fit and healthy, you can have periods in your life where you may be challenged to complete tasks or overcome some kind of adversity. These kinds of stresses can impact upon your energy systems. Your immune system, your aura, or energy field, your mental energy and your emotional enthusiasm for the task at hand can all be compromised without proper support.

Physical energy can be assisted by eating superfoods, raw foods, and making sure you are getting a good amount of antioxidants to help your body detox naturally. We all have to put up with environmental pollution, some more than others, and your immune system will respond to pollutants by revving up to get rid of any extra toxins in the body.

You can boost your antioxidant and nutrition intake by having a supplement drink like Berry Radical, InLiven or FastTract. These drink powders offer a variety of beneficial ingredients and you will notice the difference very swiftly after ingesting them :) That's because they are FOOD and ingested as a liquid, so your body uses very little energy to convert them to ... energy!

And, because they are certified organic to the highest standards, you know you aren't having to waste any of your precious bodily energy detoxing traces of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and other common pollutants found in non-certified organic products.

For all the information on the supplement drinks listed here, go to and have a look around  :)

Many Blessings for GREAT Health

Sunday 13 June 2010

7 Ways to recover from sickness, without using pills!

Over the last decade or more of being a Mummy, there are things I've learned, tricks I've picked up to avoid illness, and avoid using pharmaceutical drugs....(originally so that I could stay alert and look after the children...)

What I found was that natural and safe alternatives to medication work better, or just as well, as 'pills' and pharmaceutical medications. Below are 7 steps I use regularly to avoid ill health and sickness taking over my body or one of my childrens bodies. They work!

1. Drink lots of room temperature water. Don't be concerned about pouring yourself a 'huge' glass and making yourself drink it straight away. Get a water bottle, fill it, sip it continuously while resting. You'll find that if you can get through one cup each half hour while you are awake you will improve your energy. (This roughly works out to 1L every 2 hours) I have noticed that Hydration Therapy negates the need for a lot of 'anti fever' medication. My children rarely use any form of fever reduction medication and recover well within a day or two. (in fact, I can't remember the last time I used 'panadol' for my children...) Fever is your body's natural reaction to fight off infection! Let it work and support it with water and rest!! See a health professional if a fever continues for more than 24hrs, and/or if the patient is becoming dehydrated.

2. Cold compresses with some cooling essential oils like Lavender or Peppermint will assist with controlling a fever. Applied gently every few minutes and removed for times of sleep, a cold compress can help you relieve a high temperature quicker than any medication I've EVER used.

3. Change your pillow case twice a day. Commonsense you may think but it is often overlooked by people who are tired and poorly. Wash pillowcases with a dash of Eucalyptus, Lavender, Thyme or Teatree essential oil to kill off bacteria that may try to stay on the fabric fibres. Dry in sunlight to assist with further antibacterial measures, as sunlight is the best antibacterial out!

4. Sit directly in sunlight outside for 15 minute bursts at least two to three times a day to increase your own immune system response. (Sunlight from behind a glass window limits you to only UVA rays, when what you need is the UVB rays to trigger Vitamin D production)

5. Avoid eating heavy meals and instead go for high nutrient smoothies. Avoid all dairy products and heavy fats (like fried food). While it may make us feel comforted, using creamy foods or high fat foods while we are ill does nothing to make us better. In fact it clogs you up more. If you do want to have something creamy, have a biodynamic yoghurt to assist your balance of good bacteria.

6. Use fresh, room temperature foods, or gently warmed foods, to encourage your own 'inner fire'. Things like steamed pumpkin with cocount milk and chopped chilli (as much as you can handle comfortably) and ginger is going to activate your immune system and warm your insides too. Eat fresh apples and pears, paw paw (papaya), blueberries or blackberries if available fresh, and other fresh fruits that you can obtain locally.

7. Have a little salt each hour or so to replace the essential minerals that you lose when you have excessive mucus production in your body. Salt purifies as well, so you can use a handful or more in a warm bath to soak away muscle aches and make you feel good.

If you find that you are repeatedly falling ill, take some time to review your diet and the activities you involve yourself with. Maybe something needs tweaking, changing or improving to assist your immune system and help you to regain your right to great health :)

Sunday 6 June 2010

Salt Therapy for colds & flu

Salt therapy is pretty simple.
I use really potent mineral salts like Himalayan Salt crystals or Celtic Sea Salt (which is highest in trace elements), but you can easily use plain rock salt. Do not use plain table salt as it does not contain the valuable amounts of trace elements (that's why you see some table salt with 'added iodine'). Read this article here, for more information on why natural salts are far superior and safer than 'man made' salts.

Depending on your tastes, you can simply put two crystals under your tongue every 4 or so hours during the day and let them dissolve, or wash them straight down with water.

While doing salt therapy its best to stick to water and not juices (like orange or apple) as the body will appreciate more water than sugar. Do however, eat fresh whole fruit here and there as they will do you good, especially if you can get the lower sugar fruits like Blueberries, fresh Figs, Paw Paw (papaya) or similar.

Salt breaks up mucus in the body, water assimilates the trace elements to your cells. The results are that you move through the 'holding pattern' reaction of mucus buildup, fevers, sweating etc... and forward towards an immune system that is chucking off the virus causing the reaction in the first place.
NB: you will pee a lot ;)

This sort of therapy is going to remove toxins from your body, so roll with it, keep up the water intake (at least a half litre per hour or more if you can manage it during the day) and have a few quick warm showers throughout the day. This will help you feel energised, and it can alleviate any skin irritations that may arise from the toxin release.

Like to know more about how to use safe, natural and effective therapies for everyday ailments? Book a My Chi consultation and start your journey to better health today. Or, if you need to ask for more information, call Jannette via the number on the Contact page on the website.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Beetroot Smoothie Recipe

Yes, it will be dark pink in colour...lets just get that over with. :)

Beetroot is the kind of vegetable that you might get and wonder 'what the heck do I do with this?', and the usual thing is to cover it in oil, add a bit of garlic and roast it. Or, if you've only ever had beetroot from a tin, you might be amazed at how good the raw thing is for you.

This glorious royal coloured root vegetable is packed full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It can assist with overall heart health, and if you follow the Theory of Signatures in herbal and natural medicine, you can just LOOK at a beetroot and know it will assist your heart and pulmonary system from the shape of the tuber and the stem and leaf symbology.

Grating it raw and throwing it through a coleslaw, or using it as filling on a flat bread wrap (with lots of other good raw stuff like grated carrot, kale, cabbage, spinach and a little Tahini paste) are good ways of experimenting with including this particular vege in your diet. Beetroot is slightly sweet in taste, so it can be a hit with kids...but you know the reason I do love it the most is that it makes everything PINK! and that means you can hide lots of other goodies in the drink without anyone ever knowing that they are there.

This smoothie recipe contains Spirulina Powder, which is sometimes difficult to get people to drink as it is really bright green. I kinda like that...but everyone is different ;) When I put half a teaspoon of powdered Spirulina into the drink it just vaguely affected the colour, basically, the smoothie stayed bright pink.

Half a grated or sliced raw beetroot (wash it thoroughly before preparing)
Half a grated or sliced raw apple (skin on or off, its your choice)
One cup of Oat Milk (or you can use Rice Milk, or Soy, just make sure they are non GMO!)
A shake of Cinnamon and Nutmeg
A handful of fresh herbs like Mint, Basil and Oregano (whatever you have to hand is great, but try to include the Mint and Basil)
1 tablespoon of Lemon Juice
1 tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil
Half a teaspoon of Spirulina Powder

Add all of the ingredients into a blender, and pulse to break up the bulk of it. Whizz for about 30 seconds on High. Serve in a tall glass or mug. (yes, it is going to be full of 'bits' to crunch up, but generally, you can drink it down - so if you have an aversion to 'bits in it' drinks, strain it through a sieve)

This will keep you going for hours. Excellent as a morning liquid breakfast or as a meal substitute when you are shedding some kilos or just detoxing for health.


Like to know more about how nutrition can help your health? Book a My Chi consultation and start your journey to better health today. Or, if you need to ask for more information, call Jannette via the number on the Contact page on the website.