What you absolutely need to know this year to promote opportunities for WEALTH:
Clear up and make gorgeous the NW area of your property and building. The Annual Wealth Star 8 is residing in the NW Progression (Travel and Helpful People) sector this year, and will be encouraging wealth opportunities via advice from Mentors, Gurus, Teachers, Good Samaritans, Guardian Angels and the like. The energy of the NW is one of Divine Synchronicity, where you are able to 'tap into' the collective consciousness and find exactly what you need when you need it.
*de-clutter - this promotes the good Chi Flow in all matters of wealth. If you have no 'space' in your physical living or working environment, then the Universe interprets this as meaning you have no room for new energy. When we don't de-clutter we may feel heavy, possibly distracted, and overwhelmed with the care and storage of possessions. Without an outflow there can be no beneficial inflow, only blockage, bloating, stagnation. Remove items that would keep you locked into unhappy memories, past problems or unbeneficial connections.
*clean - using environmentally conscious cleaning choices, remove dirt, smells, dust, rubbish, etc from the NW. View your work as if it was an invitation to the Universe to come on in with the wealth ideas!
*set an intention/affimation - what do you need in your life? what is your 'wealth' going to be? how would you like wealth to manifest in your life? Set aside some time to identify just what it is you are intending to attract this year to make you feel 'wealthy'. Write up an affirmation and place it in your diary, in a frame for the hallway table, or in an envelope to put into a Wealth Vase.
"I attract spontaneous windfalls of cash in Perfect Ways"
"My business' Prosperity increases every day"
"My family Love and Appreciate me just as I am"
"I invite the beauty of Time for All Things to manifest in my Life"
"I am now receiving Healing on all required levels of my Being"
You will figure out what your 'wealth' is... ;)
*Place a running water feature in the NW for this year, and clean the water regularly. This stimulates Chi Flow and 'activates' the wealth influence.
*Place some reddish coloured gemstones in the NW to support the Annual Wealth Star 8, which is an Earth element and nourished by Fire.
*Place images of things that imbue the space with a feeling of 'Flow'. Waterfalls, Rivers, etc, or icons like Arch Angel Micheal, Ganesha (Remover of Obstacles), Lakshmi, a Cornucopia (horn of prosperity), Golden Buddha, etc that invite in the kind of energy you require to help with your chosen affirmation.
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Not sure where I got this image from....if its yours let me know so I can credit you with it :) |
Use the Northwest area of your property or building as a place to take breaks, brainstorm with pad and pen, surf the net with a laptop, read, listen to radio programmes, watch TV...etc, any activity where you enable a conduit for messages to reach you...'unexpectedly'. ;)
Feng Shui New Year begins on February 4th 2011. Chinese New Year is on Feb 3rd 2011. In either case, its good to have done a stack of cleaning, tidying and clearing out before these dates. Clean the front door area too so that your property says 'hello! and Happy New Year' with the best possible appearance :))
You might find this post called 'New Year Feng Shui' helpful if you need a few more tips for New Year preparations. And you can find out all about the energy layers for 2011 in the Annual Influences Guide and Calendar available only from Holistic Therapy Connections.
Blessings for Peace, Health and Prosperity :)