About HTC

Holistic Therapy Connections seemed like an appropriate name for my new business, especially as I have an eclectic taste for therapies, and couldn't decide to focus on one or another as a sole enterprise. I do believe that we weave and energy of healing by using various threads of therapies, twining them together to get just the right strength of purpose that aligns us with the manifestation of Good Health.

What I write about can sometimes feel like I'm flipping from one thing to the next quickly, yet I know from personal experience that as soon as you may begin using Feng Shui, you'll find you might need some Aromatherapy or Essences, a certain potent herb or nutritional supplement, to support what you are doing, or help to smooth out the energy of a situation. Even when I've embarked upon a course of Flower Essences or Homeopathics, I've realised I needed more Earth Energy, a course of herbal remedy, or a little more guided Meditation...the healing will tell you what it needs.

I hope you can take away from this blog some useful titbit of info, or the inspiration to use a few natural remedies instead of pharmaceuticals, and perhaps the more you try the more you will begin to experience the web of healing that is available to us if we only give it a chance to be constructed.

In Peace and Harmony
Jannette Tibbs

Holistic Therapist