It breathes in light, sound, movements, winds, heat, cold, etc and breathes out sound, movements, feelings, experiences, memories, etc. Basically your house 'respires' just like your own body does. Your house 'thinks' just like you do. It reacts to stimuli from its environment both within and without. The health of your building is directly related to the kind of energy it is given, receiving and utilising. It makes sense that the types of Life Experiences the occupants will have are also directly related to the quality of health of the building.
To use the Forecast you'll need to do a little exercise of mocking up a floorplan of your building, and the surrounding landscaping of your property. This will give you valuable 'indicators' of space and the energy that is coming towards your home from basic architecture, significant objects, other buildings and the landscape around your building. Once you have completed this little mud-map, take a compass reading from the front of your house and figure out which direction it generally faces. Then plot this onto your's an example of how to get a simple house chart done...
Pg 12 of the Building Harmony Practical Manual - please feel free to download this page to see the detail better... |
For example, if your front door is in the North, and we have a super fantastic combination that supports Commerce and Business Opportunities, then you may wish to invest some time and energy into making the front door look and feel as great as possible. This will encourage the highest possible energy vibration to be present, and this in turn attracts high quality experiences. A Home-based business, or a person who does a significant amount of 'work from home' will notice the importance of this kind of combination. However, if there was a Star 5 or 2 visiting this area you'd be advised to keep it quiet, probably even use another entry for the month, and yet you'd benefit from giving it a massive clean up and keeping it pristine as well, so that NO low level energy is attracted there at all.
Each month, quickly check to see what energy combination is going to manifest at:
- Your front door or main entrance (this is what you will activate with your Human Chi most strongly)
- Your bedroom (again, activated by Human Chi in mostly a receptive state of sleep)
- Your home-office (this is where a lot of 'work with intent' is done, and is high in Human Chi as well)
- Your children or other occupants' bedrooms.
- The most quiet areas of the house (eg: the guest bedroom or storage room...) as these will gain the least influence from whatever energy combination is manifesting.
- Hallways and walkways, as these will provide 'conduits' for certain influences to flow from one area of the house to another...
(NB: the monthly forecast is now part of the Annual Influences Guide . It gives a full year of forecasts plus much more...)
To put in place Remedies you might like the following diagram which shows you the associations for Shape and Colour with each of the 9 Stars...
If you have direct questions relating to a suggested 'Remedy' please just pop it in as a Comment so that others can share in the explanation that follows as well.
Blessings for High Quality Experiences!