Its not just one township dealing with the mess and sorrow, but several townships, towns and a whole city and outlying areas too. It is hard to take in just how many people are at risk from unstable ground, buildings, debris, and to have that coupled with severe pollution from the sewerage systems overflowing in these areas is simply horrific.
The advice from authorities is to dowse yourself and any salvaged possessions in 'disinfectant', but if you can get to supplies of natural disinfectants, you'll be much healthier than those who are having to use the 'commercial grade chemicals'. Your stock standard 'disinfectant' is loaded with colours, fragrances and chemicals that weaken your immune system, which is exactly what you'll need as supported as possible to deal with the harmful microbes in the environment for the next few weeks.
Alternatives to commercial disinfectants that work:
Eucalyptus and/or Tea Tree, Lavender, Clove, Thyme, Oregano, Rosemary Essential Oils - dilute with water to disinfect surfaces, wash clothes, skin (dilute well eg: approx 3 drops/L and do a patch test first), utensils and more.
White Vinegar and Water with Bi-Carb Soda - this is a cleaner and deodoriser. The vinegar is acidic and reacts with the salt of the bi-carb to create a fizzy, bubbly, cleaning miracle. Good for using on so many things! Use as an alternative to laundry powder or liquid, and instead of regular dishwashing powders and rinse aides too. Use as a mixture to wash kitchen items and cutlery, crockery etc. A good mix is 1 tablespoon of bi-carb to 1 cup of white vinegar and into a few litres of water for washing 'things'. In a washing machine, use 3 tablespoons of bi-carb soda instead of detergent, and a half cup of white vinegar instead of softener or rinse-aide. (if you can add some essential oil to these it will enhance the disinfecting ability)
Boiling Water - kills bacteria and sterilises items for eating with, or preparing food on. Adding salt to the boiling water further enhances its purifying ability.
Salt - all salt is a purifier, and will help to keep your skin clean. Use ground salt straight with a little oil and lemon juice to make a good skin scrub to get rid of grease and muck out of your fingerprints and creases in the hands and wrists, elbows, kneecaps, toenails, feet, heels etc. Add some essential oil (about a drop per hand) to enhance the disinfecting ability. Scrub breadboards or food preparation surfaces with salt and lemon, rinse of with boiled water.
Colloidal Silver - This product is getting wider and wider attention as its uses are made known. Diluted into a spray bottle, this stuff kills bacteria and viruses on application. No rinsing necessary. It has no fragrance, is colourless and doesn't cause allergic reactions. It can be ingested to remove parasites from the digestive tract or added to water to ensure its safety, inhaled (as a vapour spray) to relieve sinus infection, sprayed into the ear, eyes or nose to address infections, and sprayed onto the skin, wounds, cuts, abrasions, stings, bites etc without causing stinging pain. Truly miraculous stuff!
Immune System Supporters for anyone, anywhere:
- Get clean water, its imperative. Our cells respire using water, without it the whole body grinds to a halt and clogs = sickness. Average adult human consumption of clean water in 'normal' conditions is around 3.5L/day and more liquid coming from fruit and vegetables consumed. In these awful conditions being experienced by so many, it would be expected an adult would need closer to 5L/day.
- If you can find vegetables and fruits like Cucumbers, Watermelon, Rockmelon, Citrus Fruits, etc, these will help your Kidneys stay healthy as they promote cleansing and natural body detoxification. Avoid eating meat as it sucks water from the body with the amount of energy it needs to be digested. Avoid low nutritional food like cakes, pastries, etc. (unless of course they are the only things available...)
- Meditate or find some quiet contemplation. Stress is a huge strain on the immune system as it oxidises cells. Once this occurs the debris from the cell is chucked into the system to be detoxed...if this becomes overloaded, the body is at risk of having an immune system crash. Shock and sorrow are massive cell oxidisers. People constantly exposed to stress from war, displacement, natural disasters and food shortages have higher stress related illnesses specifically due to their weaker immune system response.
- Keep fingernails and toenails cut short and cleaned regularly, its simple personal hygiene that will go a long way. Don't be tempted to eat anything without washing your hands thoroughly.
- Wear protective barriers like face masks or handkerchiefs for your nose, mouth and ears while working in 'clean up' areas as airborne particles will carry harmful bacteria. Wash these orifices with salted water (saline solution = 1 cup water with half a teaspoon of salt dissolved).
- Connect with help and get assistance for the emotional fallout. You deserve hugs, help and love.
Blessings to those who are doing it so tough at the moment. Sending Angels in all forms.
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